Monday, September 9, 2013

I can't believe it

Well Hello there, Elder Blotter!
    We just returned from Jackson Hole, Wyoming. All the stars aligned and Dad didn't get Jacey's cold, he didn't have bathroom troubles on his bike, he didn't get dropped from the fast group, we made it to every feed station, the weather was cool and he just just got darn lucky. His goal was under 10 hours. He came in so fast we missed him! He was only 15 minutes after the overall winner. 9 hours and 12 mintues. It's crazy that he rode his bike that fast and he doesn't think he could ever repeat it but good for him! After so many hours of training and working so hard, it was fun to see him have success. He was happy. And at almost 46, it's nice to be able to do something better than a lot of people younger. Yeah Dad!

    How was your week? It sounds like Burnaby is just hopping. It really sounds very different than up North. And you forgot to send me an address. Would you please so that I might mail you something and so that I can look you up on Google earth?  Thank you, I would appreciate that. How is Elder Francis? THANK YOU so much for sending all those treasured pics last week! It was so great to get them. And Elder Francis looks like a very nice companion. And I totally loved the pic of your shoe with the hole. You should have kept that! That is awesome and amazing. Do you need another pair STAT? You must really walk quite a bit! Literally...  :)
     Well, I love this gospel. It is what brings me peace and joy and much happiness. I am thankful you are serving our Heavenly Father and I know how much he loves you. I love you so much. Ethan went through the temple this week and I got to stand with him in the prayer circle. I can't wait for you to see the new temple film, if you haven't already. It is amazing. I can't even describe how good it is.  Well, we will think of you this week and pray that you will be safe and have success. You are loved so much!   Mom

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