Monday, September 23, 2013

The Church is True in Burnaby

Well, it's been a great week in Burnaby. Marc had a wonderful baptismal service yesterday. We had the chance to teach an 8 year old, Nico Esquivel, with kind of less active parents the missionary lessons over the past weeks, and so although he wasn't a convert baptism, they shared a baptismal service. It was just fantastic. The Spirit was very strong. We got to participate in both confirmations, and I had the chance to confirm Marc a member of the church. He's going to serve a mission. Ha ha. We're sure of it. Baptism days are just the best. We had been fasting that day, but we still probably ate twice the number of calories as a normal day because (the Esquivels are from Guatemala) both families brought a ton of food. It was also great because the recently assigned home teachers for Marc's family were there and setting up home teaching appointments and everything. The work of salvation. It's the best.
Other than that, the work is going great! We're still working with a few different part member families. We're teaching a few different people from Islamic backgrounds, come to think of it. And a lot more with non-Christian backgrounds. We're still teaching Shaikh, who is just kind of cemented in his beliefs, although not really practicing. We're also teaching Murat, a man from Turkey who is sincerely interested in what we believe. It's been interesting teaching them, because they believe in God, but they don't understand at first why we believe that we need a Savior. It has given us a lot of special opportunities to teach very simply about the necessity of an atonement. It has also given me a deeper appreciation of the knowledge that we have of the Plan of Salvation. It makes a lot of things that don't make sense otherwise make sense. We're teaching a Chinese guy named Jason. He's a student on the last year of an economics degree at some university around here. He was raised in China as a Buddhist, and so he's very curious about God and about prayer. He is always asking about how God has helped us and how God helps us. We taught him how to pray and we'll continue to work with him.
We're also still working with a part-member family, the Steiners. Sabrina, the mom, is struggling to believe in God because she's read a lot of atheist literature, and as a result, she's become one of the people who don't have the truth "because they know not where to find it". She's really spiritually unhealthy and you can see that it's been hard on her. She'll start crying sometimes when she just starts talking about how she feels. It's very easy to see how the adversary likes to work by weaseling doubt into somebody. A little bit of doubt can undo years of spiritual experiences. She struggles with the word of wisdom, and sin weakens her faith, and it also lifts a burden of guilt that she isn't doing what she is supposed to be doing. She's really honest with us though, so we're going to keep working with her, and when her faith is strong, we'll work with the family too.
There are a lot of miracles though! We're managing to find a lot of new people teach. Burnaby is a pretty big place, and there are people kind of sandwiched all over the place. We feel very blessed to be here. I'm still blown away by how multicultural it is here. French is on all the labels, but if they printed labels by population, there would be Chinese and Arabic and everything else.
Ha ha, and, if you must know, one of my essays was indeed used for Russ Beck's English 2010 class. Last year one of my friends from high school took the class and wrote to tell me that my essay on memes was required reading and he called it a "joyful romp". I don't recall writing any poems about roses, however... I think that there might be 2 Josh Blotters. I think I googled myself one time or something and I had a doppelganger that went to Woodscross high school or something. So that's my theory. :)
Well! Out of time! Love you all and we'll talk to you next week.

Elder Blotter
Elder Francis's first chance to baptize someone.

Marc and his family with Elder Francis and Elder Blotter.

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