Monday, September 23, 2013

Re: :)

Mother! You stinker! :)

Sister Tilleman did call...
I really can't believe that you got permission for that. I really just can't at all. But it would be just like you to at least ask, ha ha! And you know what, maybe somehow getting permission for that may be Heavenly Father giving you a tender mercy. I just do not know what else it could have been. But nonetheless!
Yeah, you should go to the Vancouver 1st Ward! Patrick would be there. I'm sure all these things can be googled, but it's at 308 W 41st Ave and it starts at 9:00 AM.
I'm not sure, but the temple might be a call in and schedule deal, and believe it or not, that Tuesday is going to be the missionary temple trip day! Our p-day is moved to Tuesday because the temple is closed Monday. So the temple might be booked that day.
But what a dilemma. Mother. I love you so infinitely much. I really do. And so I don't want to in the least hurt your feelings by not sharing a meal with you after you got permission for one. But at least read this and see how you feel! (Can you make it another 8 months? You've already done it for almost 16!)

"Visits from family members, friends, and acquaintances
are against Church policy. The impact of such
visits may extend far beyond the visit itself, both before
and after the visit and among other missionaries. It can
often take some time for missionaries to refocus on
their callings and their work. While expressing your
love and your desire to share your experiences with
them after you have been released, help those who may
want to visit you to understand the importance of
maintaining singleness of heart and mind on the work
of the Lord (see Matthew 10:37–39; Luke 9:61–62)"

That's a quote from the white handbook on page 37.

Much love,

Elder Blotter

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