Sunday, September 15, 2013

From Dad.

The family update.  We are all doing well.  Jacey has two cats.  Ella and Root Beer and she loves them more than anything.  Root Beer disappears all of the time.  We have had to bail him out of the pound twice.  Every time he disappears jacey is heartbroken.  I am about ready to take matters into my own hands on that one. 

Jed is playing football.  It is funny to watch at this age.  He is one freakishly strong boy. Wow.  My full time job is to keep him from driving Claudia crazy. 

Jenessa is fighting the fight at USU.  So far, so good.  She has come to the realization that the party that is high school, is over.  I think she will be okay, but she does have a lot of credits. 

Claudia has just fit right in.  She is one of the family.  She has a fun personality and we like her a lot.  Unless something strange happens, our family will cry a river when she leaves next spring. 

Mom is mom.  not much different and happy as ever.  She is the cub scout leader, probably called there to keep Jed under control

Well I guess I better give you some bad news here at the end and that is that Grandpa Blotter has a tumor on his kidney.  It looks to be cancerous.  He is going to have to have surgery to remove his left kidney on September 30th. 
The tumor is stage 1 and it looks like he has an 87% chance of survival with surgical removal of the kidney.  You should keep him in your prayers.  We are hoping for the good chance of cure that he has.  Even if he has problems, he should still be here when you return regardless.  This news has us pondering the plan of salvation quite a bit around here.  I'm just hoping that the Lord does not decide he needs my dad just yet.  As ornery and stressed as he can be, he has a heart of gold and I love him. 

Well, have a great week.  You know what Grandpa Blotter would have you do:  go to work!

Love Dad

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