Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Week

Elder Blotter, BC Wonder,

Sound like things are rocking in Burnaby.  Burnaby sounds like it should be next to Liverpool in England or something, but I guess it fits for Vancouver as well.  It looks like a very beautiful place to live.  I have always thought that the earth must reflect some of God's thoughts and ideas.  It is really some of the best physical evidence that there is of His handiwork.  That makes BC easy to understand, but Nevada?  When you think about it though each place is beautiful and unique in its own way.  Sounds like  you have a great companion and are in a fun place.  Kitimat strikes me as a tough place to be a missionary, but never doubt the Lord, his wonders to perform. 

I hope things are going well with your investigator.  As we learned in medical school, tobacco is an evil weed, which from the devil doth proceed.  I am very much into limited government.  Especially federal government and that is because I am a wise fellow.  One of the most shocking things in the universe is that the US government subsidizes tobacco farmers.  Children in Africa starve, we subsidize tobacco production.  Wow.

Sounds like you have good members, and those are key.  That is huge for missionary success and enjoyment.  The members were always may focus as well and that is a great strategy but they can only do so much and you still have to get out there and find people to teach out of nowhere.  We live in a very secular and wicked world that is ripening for destruction where the earth will be renewed and receive its' paradisical glory. 

Well, yesterday was Lotoja and I rode in the race.  Alway a big day that reflects months of training.  I had a monster day on the bicycle and it was the best race that I have ever done in my life.  I finished in 9 hours and 12 minutes.  This might not mean much at first glance but here are the details.  My average speed was 22.25 miles per hour over 206 miles.  This includes over 10,000 feet of climbing mountain passes.  The all time course record for Lotoja is 8 hours and 58 minutes.  Therefore, I am 15 minutes off the all time course record, which has been raced by pro riders who have competed in the Tour de France.  I didn't know that I had it in me.  Your average Joe Competitor rider, like Nathan Young (Kaylee's dad) finished 1.5 HOURS after.  I am gloating, but it was a beast of a ride for me and one for the books.  I am thinking about quitting now and going out on top.  

Anyway, things are great otherwise.  We like Claudia and she is a fun temporary addition to the clan.  It is fun to introduce someone to new things, like a buffalo and moose (which don't exist in Europe), corn on the cob, peanut butter, root beer and beef jerkey.  

Soccer and little league football make up and the rest of the activities, along with a little school.

Well I hope all is well and many blessings come your way.

Love   Dad

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