Monday, September 23, 2013


Sep 23
Elder Blotter,
   Hi. Are you still my friend? I'm tried to not facebook message Sister Tilleman, really I did. But Jean Payne convinced me that as I sat in the city of Vancouver and knew you were right there in Burnaby, I would regret not at least asking. I was almost sure the answer would be no. In that case I would be fine because I would know that it was not allowed. (Though I may have driven past your house for 4 days)  I was looking for the mission e-mail and just couldn't find it anywhere. I googled Karl Tilleman and up came a facebook page in both of their names. I looked it up and she had posted a conference talk the day before. I just sent her a private message saying I was the mom of one of her missionaries, Elder Blotter. I told her you had been there since June of 2012 and had spent most of your time up North, in what you call the "promised land". And wouldn't you know it, he was recently transferred to Burnaby. I told her about Dad's meetings and how we would be there for a few days. I asked if she knew if there was some way I could ask for permission to take you and your companion for a meal while we were there. And if not, if it would be possible to drop off a care package at the mission home". (Giving her an out so she wouldn't have to sound mean when she said no) It sounded nicer than this is.  :)
     Well, the next morning I woke up to a message back from her! She thanked me for my e-mail and told me how much they love you. What an excellent job you are doing and how you know how to get things done. She told me that you are very faithful and how much they appreciate that. "Also, I talked with my husband and he thought it would be okay for you to take Elder Blotter and his companion our for a meal and then get them right back to work"  She then gave me your cell and then proceeded to give me her cell if I had trouble reaching you. She told us to contact you when we get in Vancouver to set up a time. At this point I am having a heart attack and CANNOT believe it. I didn't tell Dad I had sent the message because I was sure it would be no. So I told him. Now I have to tell you. Don't be mad at me, please. One day you'll be a parent of a missionary and you'll understand. But clearly in my mind I can just hear you saying, " facebook messaged Sister Tilleman!"   Will you forgive me if I bring you garments and feed you a yummy meal? We can't wait to meet Elder Francis.  Please take a minute and think clearly about what I can bring you. We leave on Saturday, so this is your last p-day to let me know if you want me to bring you something. 
    Should we go to the Vancouver 1st Ward? Is that Patrick's ward? If there is anything else about the beautiful city of Vancouver that we should see, let me know. We are so excited to take it all in and see everything there is to see.  Dad is going to his meetings Sunday afternoon, Monday and Tuesday morning. I am hoping to go to the temple Tuesday morning. 
         Dad was feeling bad Claudia didn't have a date to Homecoming. The dance was Saturday. On Monday he found her a date with a patient and she went last night and had a great time. I bought her a Spanish Bible and Marissa Balls gave her a spanish B of M with her testimony in it. I got her a scripture case and a red pencil and she felt right at place at church. The sister missionaries spoke today and they are coming to dinner soon.  :)     Well, Sis. Tilleman told me she would call you to make sure you knew you had permission. Did she do that yet?  Can we text you or should we call?  If you've forgotten, my cell is 435-770-8628.
        We love you so much and feel it a tender mercy to be able to see you even if for just a short time. Someone told Dad at work we should go somewhere with terrible service so it takes a LONG time to get our food.  Hee hee       Love, Mom

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