Monday, December 2, 2013

What's Happen'n in Vernon.


What a great week it's been in the Canada Vancouver mission! The church is just way too true up in Vernon. And this is totally the best place to be in the winter. It's been above freezing pretty much all the time here. It's snowed a few times, but nothing has stuck yet. It's got nothing on Burns Lake, and it's not rainy at all like Vancouver is. 

It's weird to think that it was Thanksgiving down in the States this week. Elder Baker is Canadian, and even after 19 years of being an American I never really got around to figuring out what day Thanksgiving is supposed to be on (last Thursday or 4th Thursday or something like that?), so we didn't even think about it except for maybe day of. So, no turkey this Thanksgiving! I think the last time that I had a dinner appointment was Canadian Thanksgiving, and that's probably one of the maybe 2 I've had in Burnaby and Vernon. We don't really eat in members homes. From 5 to 7 is "prime proselyting time" and we don't eat meals in that time frame, because that's when everybody is home. 7-9 is consecrated member time and we're asked to visit 2 members a night, but we're supposed to look for "teaching opportunities, not eating opportunities". It's kind of weird to think about, but we literally find 10 times the number of new investigators than the mission did 3 or 4 years ago and we teach 6 times as many lessons with a member present. Our mission president is inspired. 

Well, this week has brought in some changes. Steven Rasmussen has left for a month to go visit his family in Ontario. We told him he's going to find a wife in the YSA over there. We're still working with his roommate, Chris. It's been really cool to work with him, because Chris is this 19 year old kid who has been in prison for drug use (he used to say stuff like "I like rap when it's real. I like 50 Cent and all, but he's never been shot in the jaw." ...but then he found out that we don't think saying stuff like that is cool. So he stopped.) who never would be interested in meeting with missionaries if we knocked on his door, but he's seen the effect that it's had on Steven, and he stuck around for a few lessons, and so now he's totally willing to meet with us and experiment with praying and building a relationship with God. His first few prayers have been awesome, because of how sincere he is about it. He'll keep on wanting to start over or ask questions in the middle of the prayer just because he wants them to be perfect. We set a baptismal date with him for the end of December.

We're also working with a lot of miracle people! The Lord really does prepare people and put them in our path. A part-member family moved into the ward from one of those obscure BC villages in the middle of nowhere, and they're really humble and want to change. They're the kind of family that has a "Family Home Evening" board with pegs on it, but instead of hanging names or stuff on it, they use it as a storage device to hang aprons and bags and stuff like that on it. So they're pretty cool. They have a bunch of little kids that make teaching really hard, but they're cute, so it's good. Our mission president has promised us that if we do everything that we can, we should be finding one new investigator every day. Man. That is so true. One day we had gone all day without finding our new investigator for that day, and it was about 8:55, and I was standing behind the car backing Elder Baker before we went home for the night, when this guy walked past the car. So we stop him, and start teaching him right outside of the complex that we in and he became a new investigator. The church is true!

Kelly and Toni are both going to be baptized this weekend! Kelly has just loved everything that we've taught her. When we taught her the Plan of Salvation, she just described it as being "perfect". When you find somebody that's elect, you just think back, "what if we had gone to a different area that day? What if we had knocked on her door when she wasn't home?" Things just work out. Heavenly Father just kind of orchestrates everything the way that it needs to happen. We found out that they are probably putting sisters in our ward next transfer, and the vast majority of our progressing investigators are female, and so it's good motivation to baptize them all before we hand all of our female investigators off to the sisters that will be put in.

One thing that we've been focusing on is how we should be talking with everyone all the time as we go throughout our day, even if it's on P-day and we're shopping, or whatever else. After traveling back from exchanges recently, went to eat at this all-you-can-eat sushi place, and where we were sitting, we were sitting right next to this couple that was eating. So we starting talking to them, and tell them a little bit about what they do and just had a little gospel conversation with them. Turns out that the man had roots in Raymond, which is where Elder Baker is from. And when we got up to pay, they said that they had paid for our food! Maybe that was our Thanksgiving miracle.

Anyways, the church is true! We're about to drive to Kelowna to get on a bus and head down to Richmond for mission council, which will be a spiritual feast. But hey. We'll talk to you all next week. Thanks for the emails!

Elder Blotter

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