Monday, December 30, 2013


Dear Elder Blotter,
      I only have a minute to write but I want to tell you that I loved being able to talk to you on Christmas and feel of your spirit and love. I want you to know that I love the Savior and am so thankful for His atoning sacrifice and His love for us. I don't know why I was born into a family with the Gospel in Lewiston, Utah but I want to do everything I can in my life to repay that blessing and for the knowledge I have of the plan of salvation. I love the Gospel. I love my Father in Heaven and I recognize the blessings in my life. Thank you for serving a mission and helping others to come to Him. 
     We are off to take the Hevia family to Hardware Ranch right now. This has been the craziest, busiest holiday season ever. Dad's work has been so busy. Griffin coming the week before Christmas and the Hevia's the 10 days after. I will breath a sigh of relief in January. But life is good and we are blessed. I hope you have such a wonderful week and know we are thinking and praying for you. What is Elder Fitzner like? You haven't told us anything much about him. I love you to pieces.   Love, Mom

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