Monday, December 9, 2013

The Spirit of Burnin' in Vernon.


Well, just like that it's been another week. Man, it's weird how quickly time goes by. It's been a great week! Time is certainly not going slowly. There were a lot of spiritual outpourings this week. We were down in Richmond for mission council earlier this week, and it was an amazing experience. For the year 2014, the mission set a goal for 2014 convert baptisms, which is probably 5 times the number of baptisms that we'll have this year. The work is hastening! The faith of the missionaries in the council was just awesome. In the Canada Vancouver mission, we've started to find more new investigators in a one year period than there are members in the province.

This weekend, Kelly got baptized! (Toni's is now for December 15th) It was a beautiful baptismal service. Kelly really was a miracle. The highlight of the service was her testimony at the end. She stood up and bore a brief testimony of the Book of Mormon and the spiritual power that she can find in the pages, and then she talked about how her entire life she has been searching for the truth, and has explored tons of different churches, but "3 weeks ago the missionaries knocked on my door, came back the next day, and I've known that I have found the truth ever since". She's such an awesome convert. It really has been a blessing to have taught her.

Okay. I wish I had all the time in the world to write down all of the crazy spiritual experiences that we have every week. One of them... so, President Tilleman promised us that if we do everything that we can every day, we will be able to find at least one new investigator every day. One day we went all day without finding anyone in between our teaching appointments, and we just kept on thinking of that promise and we were questioning if we had done "everything" that we could have that day. We ended up finding our new investigator that day at 8:56 as I was backing up Elder Baker (fun missionary safety rule) so we could pull out of our parking spot and drive to the apartment for the evening. This guy walked by the vehicle, and so I stopped him, and Elder Baker got out of the vehicle and we ended up teaching him a lesson right on the spot there.

Last night, we had our FLDS investigator to the Christmas Devotional. She loved it. It's amazing to realize that we have a living prophet on the earth today, who can give us messages directly from Heavenly Father. What a blessing that would be for the whole world, if they would just listen to the message that we share. It's made me reflect on the blessings that the gospel brings to those who actually apply it in their lives. Every day we're on the streets and getting glimpses into people's homes. And guess what? People need the gospel! In conference, Elder Ballard committed the whole church to "reach out to just one" with love as a gift to the Saviour. I hope that everybody remembers to do so! It won't go unnoticed by those watching from Heaven.

Well, Merry Christmas, everybody! Happy birthday next week, Mother! I guess next P-day will be the 16th so there will be another email then, but still! Sorry, this email might be short! We have a baptismal interview that we have to conduct that we need to get to! Love you all lots!

Elder Blotter

One of the pictures is us and Kelly. 
In the other one, Steven Rasmussen (who is doing great over in Ontario and still going strong since his baptism,) is in between me and Elder Baker. Drunk Tim (still a work in progress) is on the end.

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