Monday, December 2, 2013

DECEMBER is here.

Hello there!   How was your week? Did you get to eat Thanksgiving dinner with a nice family? I hope you got a 2nd dose of Turkey on Thursday. We had dinner here with the Jorgy's. Today Ethan leaves the MTC and flies for 14 hours to Korea. I guess he's been hungry since he arrived at the MTC and is very excited about the food at the airport. Alison sent a picture of him and a Korean companion at the MTC. The Korean came to his waist.  Ha ha

     Well, Jed is so excited about Buster the Elf. (He named him).  He can hardly wait to wake up and find out where he will be and what he did in the night. I sent you a picture of what he did this morning. It is so fun to have J and J little enough to still believe in the magic of Christmas. Claudia has had fun helping to decorate the house for Christmas and listening to Christmas songs and helping me address Christmas cards. And I know she is very excited for her family to come the day after Christmas. 
       So, has it snowed yet in Vernon? Today and the last few days have been sunny and pretty warm. They say tomorrow the wind and cold and snow is coming. I took G and G Jorgy to church yesterday. They hadn't been since Easter when I took them last. It is quite the thing to get them ready. It takes a while to get them ready! I have to do everything for both of them. Put on my Dad's shoes and socks, shave him, wash his face and brush his teeth, comb his hair, clothes, tie, belt. And then to start with my mom!  But I put him in that wheelchair and got him there. It was exhausting but I could tell they both loved it. I am at an interesting stage. The cycle of life. They once changed my diapers and now I change my dad's. But I love them so much and am so thankful for them both.

     All is well at home. We are blessed in many ways. Life is not perfect, but it is good and we are happy.  :)  Can't wait to hear from you today and see how you are. We pray for those sweet souls you are teaching. They sound awesome.     Love you so much,  Mom

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