Sunday, December 8, 2013


Elder Blotter of the Vernon Zone:

Hoping that all finds you well in Vernon.  Mission councils are a big thing it sounds like, with a fair amount of travel involved.  I guess it is an opportunity to take in the beautiful countryside of BC.  It sounds as if the work is hastening in British Columbia.  I think that it is hastening world wide.  The signs of the times are being fullfilled.  That Isaiah, he seems to be right every time. 

I just finished a great historical book about the geopolitical events at the time of Christ.  Wickedness abounds; however, I don't think we have surpassed the Sanhedrin at the time of Christ.  I would not want to be Joseph Caiaphus right now, I will say that, or Herod Antipas or Herod the Great for that matter.    But most of all, I would not want to be Caiaphus, the Chief High Priest.  I have decided that I want to take my family to Israel and need to work out the timing.  Having been there is so helpful to gain a true perspective of the events.   I had quit an experience at the Garden Tomb and Golgotha.  I needed no guide to tell me what happened there.

Probably the biggest family event would be the arrival of Ethan to the Republic of Korea.  He made it safe and sound, and rumor is that he has a good first companion.   He lost 20 lbs in the MTC, which is strange, probably muscle mass.  It is a rather sedentary place by nature.  I'm sure that he is learning a lot, lessons that only a mission can teach, and lessons that can be challenging.  In the MTC he wrote us that his district was working so hard that 'the devil cringes when they wake up for the day'.  Only Ethan. 

Jed continues to be Jed.  No calls from the principal or the bus driver, which has been nice.  He says funny things.  Jed, Jacey, and I went skiing to Snowbasin yesterday.  It was C-O-L-D.  8 degrees and blowing snow.  They are tough little skiers and we just forged on.  A little hot chocolate goes a long way.  They were devastated though, that there were no tots.

Jacey Lou is just fun.  Couldn't ask for a better 10 year old.

Jenessa is studying for finals like her life depended on it.  The kid works very hard, and I doubt there are many freshman putting in more effort.  She is looking to nail down a 4.0 this semester, which is pretty darn good in my opinion.

Well, hope the week is a great one.



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