Monday, December 16, 2013

We're just devastated up in Vernon.

Elder Baker is getting transferred! Isn't that the worst?! We only had 2 short transfers together, and he's gone. Transfer calls come on Monday, but his came on Saturday because I'm 99.9% sure that he is going to be an Assistant. (We should have just been less obedient so that he could stick around... just kidding. But still. :)) Right now, I'm sitting an emailing with a missionary from the Vernon 2nd Ward, and our next companions will come later on Friday. So that's the transfer news. We were just not happy about that at all. And we probably have 1,000,000 cookies in our apartment because everybody that we visited for Elder Baker to say goodbye to seemed to have a plate of cookies on hand. And crazy! It's Christmas time again already. And we're just going to keep findingteachingbaptizing. Mission life. It's the best.
For me and Elder Baker's last supper, we went to a sushi place that we've driven past a million times on the way to our apartment, but never eaten at because it has a sign that says "No swimsuits allowed. Thanks, management." Because of that... we've always figured that... eating there might be a mistake. But then, we decided that we would just have to, just because we always drive by it. Long story short, the waitress didn't speak English very well, and she mistook our order for a much larger one that would have cost about $50. Even with BC prices, that's a lot of sushi. Over the course of negotiating what amount we would pay (they ended up only charging us $30) the waitress noticed our name tags, and she has a friend in Japan that is a member. We were able to talk to her about the gospel as well! We'll hopefully start teaching her soon. We're sushi'd out, but it was worth it.
This week was a good week, but a busy one. We were on exchanges in different places for most of the week. Our first exchange was in Kamloops, and the second was in Salmon Arm, and in both of those exchanges I served with missionaries that I had previously worked with either in Vancouver or Kitimat. It's fun to see how missionaries grow and change and improve over time. Elder Baker says that I look totally different than I do in the pictures from before I was leaving, (It's probably just because my face is... slightly more... round. Ha ha) but it's interesting to reflect on the changes that I have made over the past 18 months. And fortunately there's still plenty of time to grow. I'm really excited for the next 6 months!
This week, we also had an awesome zone meeting. We talked about Jacob and Esau in Genesis 25 and not selling your mission "birthrights" for the "natural man". Meetings like that are kind of intense, because you go into them thinking, "Hm. Our whole zone is here, and expecting 2 hours of spiritual feasting and enlightened guidance... what are we talking about again?" But... it works out, and you usually don't even have time to talk about everything that you planned to talk about. I don't know if that equals "spiritual feasting and enlightened guidance", but our zone is awesome, and they put up with us.
This week we were very blessed. It was P-day, then we were out of our area for exchanges and zone meeting until Wednesday evening, then Thursday is Weekly Planning day, and we left after the planning session for an exchange until the ward Christmas party on Friday evening. And then Elder Baker to pack and everything, so we really just weren't in our area a lot.  But the Lord knew that we were doing everything that we could for the week, so we were still very blessed in our efforts. On Wednesday, we had to schedule a lot of lessons so that we could still be helping our investigators progress, but when we did have time to go out and find, the first person that came to the door was interested, and his roommate was a foster child who was raised in an LDS home and really loved it there, and so we're teaching that family. When we went to an appointment on Friday, the investigator had to cancel, but as we were walking back to our car, we talked to this lady who was walking somewhere with her daughter, and invited her to the ward Christmas party, and we ended up teaching her, too. Missionary work really isn't "our" work, we are just very blessed with miracles every day that help the work move forward.
Well, the church is true! Merry Christmas, everyone! And happy birthday, Mother Dearest! I have a Christmas package that I am going to send down with a bunch of Canadian candy and other miscellaneous stuff. I haven't been able to send it because I was temporarily separated from my wallet, but I fortunately had a joyful reunion with it and so I have the funds to send it home now. It won't make it by Christmas, but... It's the thought that counts! Love you all!
Elder Blotter

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