Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's Definetly October in Burns Lake

Hello Family!

Well, it's been another great week in Burns Lake! A lot of miracles have been happening, and it has been pretty crazy because of transfers. It is a beautiful drive from Terrace to Burns Lake with all of the fall colors. It made me think back to when I drove to Burns Lake from there over 3 months ago at the end of Spring when everything was SO green! It has been great to be here long enough to see the seasons change. It is certainly beautiful up here. It is starting to get chillier though! You need a sweater/suit jacket whenever you are tracting outside now. Elder Epperson is always freezing, since he's been on the Island for the past 4.5 months. I think that I have just gotten used to the temperatures up here. I think I might be a little hot when I have to come back to Utah in the middle of June in 2 years! And I am pretty sure that just a few days ago I was doing missionary work right outside of the same building that Dad would have gone curling inside of.

You'll have to let me know how helping with the zone conference goes! I went to the Terrace zone conference after the district conference there, and I went to the Prince George zone conference after I went to the Prince George stake conference there. What was the conference like? Up here President and Sister Tilleman usually provide a lot of inspiration and we all bear our testimonies. It's pretty great! Before President Tilleman, the mission used to baptize in the low 200s each year, but this year the mission goal is to baptize at least 325, and we are probably going to baptize even more! He is a great mission president. It sounds like all is well back at home, though! It will be interesting to see who the new Stake Presidency will be. Your trip sounds very exciting! I hope that some day I can see some of those sights. I will certainly have to pray for your safety, ha ha. And I am also excited to get your postcards. I bet they will arrive faster than when you are sending them from Utah. Elder Aldred is from England and he gets packages sent from home in under a week! I heard that Utah State beat the U in football. Is that true? That would be pretty crazy. And has Dad heard of a patient named Victor Manwaring? He might be visiting soon and he just moved from Burns Lake.

My new companion, Elder Epperson, is fantastic! He is a very good teacher and testifier and I think I will be able to learn a lot from him over the next couple weeks. I am also learning a lot because I am the only one in the companionship who knows any of the members, investigators, or where anything is, so I have to really know what I'm talking about. It definitely has been a great learning experience. Elder Epperson and I have many similar interests in our previous lives. He is from Murray, and did cross country and track in high school. He also wants to have a lot of success in the area and wants to work hard, and so I am excited for the next transfer! It makes me reflect on my time with Elder Neher. I really had to learn charity for him because we had different personalities and work ethics. Sometimes it was very stressful for me because I really don't like contentious situations. The Lord really blessed me with patience, and I grew to love him over the time that we served together, and I am glad that it ended that way. (Elder Epperson is quite worried that we are going to be mauled by a bear on Southside, becaues a less active member we were visiting talked to us about recent bear attacks on people who were fishing around here, we saw a bear when we were driving on Southside, and I showed him the picture of the bear in the house on the Reserve. It's pretty funny.)

Well, I am beginning to feel like a legitimate missionary now! I have knocked on every door in Burns Lake, and now I am beginning to knock on them all for the second or in some cases even the third or fourth time. It is amazing to see how many new investigators we are able to find now, in of despite that. It is truly miraculous! I remember in my first couple weeks in Burns Lake we might have found 2 or 3 investigators. Now we are finding and teaching almost a new investigator every day. As a result, we are setting more baptismal dates and getting more progressing investigators and naturally we will see more baptisms down the road! Vanessa Jack will be baptized in about a week and a half, and I am very excited for that because she is such a golden investigator and it was such a blessing to be able to teach her. When investigators who have never been taught about the Holy Ghost begin to describe how they feel in lessons, it is such a powerful witness that we truly are representatives of Jesus Christ! I feel blessed to be here, and I am happy to serve.

It was great to hear from you! I hope that you all have a very great week!

Elder Blotter

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