Monday, October 29, 2012

From Pres. Tilleman

We are not supposed to forward President Tilleman's weekly letter, so I am just going to copy and paste part of it!

Second, you may have heard (or felt!), there was a major earthquake (7.7) on Haida Gwaii on Saturday evening, with numerous after-shocks since then.  If your parents or anyone asks, all the missionaries that could have been affected (Haida Gwaii, North Island, and Prince Rupert, in particular) are doing fine.  There were no deaths, or even injuries, in Haida Gwaii or anywhere else.  This is a miracle given how big this earthquake was (third largest recorded in Canadian history, in fact).

II.        Spiritual Thoughts for the Week

What a remarkable mission presidents’ and wives’ seminar Sister Tilleman and I had.  We are humbled and feel very blessed.  Elder Maynes called it “extraordinary and historic.”  I would have to say the theme was “the time to hasten the work is now; the Prophet has spoken.”  Three members of the Seventy (Richard J. Mayes, Presidency of the Seventy), Elder Schwitzer (First Quorum), and Elder Aidukaitis (First Quorum) instructed us.  They were joined by Richard Heaton, the MTC’s top administrative advisor.  It truly was an amazing conference.  And the theme came back, over and over again, to how the Lord, through his Prophet, has called on each of us to hasten the work, right now.  If we were called by Brigham Young to cross the plains, would we jump right in and do so?  In terms of missionary work, this is that type of revelation from the Lord.  Truly historic and extraordinary.

Elder Maynes reminded us that the Lord has already declared: “Behold, I will hasten my work in its time.”  D&C 88:73 (emphasis added).  Elder Maynes explained that President Monson has declared that time to be now.  The Church normally receives about 300 missionary applications per week.  Since the Prophet’s announcement, as of Wednesday of last week, the Church has received more than 10,000 applications in two and a half weeks– that is more than 10x the normal number applications.  The missionary department will be holding at least twice as many assignment meetings each week, with a member of the Quorum of the Twelve presiding over each of these meetings.  Our leaders are truly leading us by example.  With all they have to do, the Quorum of the Twelve will be spending significantly more time to make each of the significantly greater number of missionary assignments that will have to be made.  The hastening of the work is starting at the top of our leadership in the Church!

Missionaries’ time at the MTC will have to shorten to accommodate this surge of missionaries.  Soon the English speaking missionaries will not even be spending three weeks in the MTC.  We will therefore have to be exponentially more prepared to train missionaries as they arrive into the field.  Do we see, now, why the Lord implemented the 12-week program?  The Lord has been preparing us for this time of hastening.

In our mission, right now, we must prepare ourselves, and our areas, for many more missionaries.  We must be better teachers, and more of us will have to be prepared to take on the highest honor that the Lord can give a missionary – to train.  Right now, we must have more truth seekers in our teaching pool and improve or “hasten” the work in each of our areas; some of the areas in our mission that currently have two missionaries will soon have four.  We must prepare our areas and our wards and branches to receive and put these new missionaries right to work.  Right now, we must respond to the clarion call from Elder Haleck to have each companionship averaging one baptism per month.  We can do this!

One of the Keys to Hastening the Work – Serving With Zeal Toward God and To All Mankind (Alma 27:27)

Elders and Sisters, to answer the call  of the Prophet, I feel we can and should truly become like the sons of Mosiah.  After the sons of Mosiah were converted to the Lord, or as Alma the Younger said, after they were “born again,” (Mosiah 27:25-26), these young men “zealously” strived to repair all the wrongs they had done.  Mosiah 27:35.  These fantastic young men became their era’s examples of Preach My Gospel missionaries – they became “instruments in the hands of God in bringing many to the knowledge of the truth, yea, to the knowledge of their Redeemer.”  Mosiah 27:36.

What was their reward for doing so?  “And how blessed are they!  For they did publish peace; they did publish good tidings of good; and they did declare unto the people that the Lord reigneth.”  Mosiah 27:37.

What was their desire after being born again?  They became so immersed in the Savior’s work of salvation that “they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish; yea even the very thoughts that any soul should endure endless torment did cause them to quake and tremble.”  Mosiah 28:3.

How were these missionaries received by those they taught?  After Ammon and his brethren first experienced much “long-suffering” and “many afflictions” (Alma 18:11), the Lord guided them to those who were truly searching for the truth, even though at first they did not know they were.  The Lord guided the missionaries’ thoughts and actions, and touched the hearts of those they were teaching.  The Lord blessed them with much success.  See Alma Chapter 26.

And what type of converts did the sons of Mosiah have?  The Ammonites were noted for their “zeal in keeping commandments”.  Alma 21:23 (emphasis added).  Later, after they had moved to live with the Nephites, they were again “distinguished for their zeal towards God, and also towards men; for they were perfectly upright in all things; and they were firm in their faith of Christ, even unto the end.”  Alma 27:27 (emphasis added).

May each of us individually continue to become that type of missionary, and may we collectively continue to become that type of mission.  May we serve our Heavenly Father, our Saviour, and our brothers and sisters, with zeal, or with “enthusiastic dedication” and “eager desire.”  As we serve with enthusiasm and eagerness, our lights will shine and those we teach will, in turn, feel of our enthusiastic love for God and all mankind, such that they will come to believe and then emulate these same qualities.  Elder Schwitzer taught this perfectly at our mission president’s seminar, when he said, “it is not so much what our missionaries teach, as who they become.  As they become more like the Savior, their teachings will naturally become more like His teachings.”

The Church is true.  God lives.  Jesus Christ, His only Begotten son, is our Savior and Redeemer.  Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God, who through the power of God translated the most correct Book of any on earth, the Book of Mormon, which will bring us closer to Christ than any other Book on earth.  Thomas S. Monson is a Prophet of God; He is God’s mouthpiece on the earth today.  This Church is guided by true Apostles and Prophets, just as we learn Christ’s Church should be governed from Acts Chapter 1 (calling another Apostle to the Quorum of the Twelve after Judas Iscariot had died), and Paul’s great teachings in Ephesians, Chapters 2 and 4 (Christ’s Church is founded upon Apostles and Prophets, with the Savior Himself being the chief cornerstone).  You and I have the privilege of being full-time witnesses of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  I testify to you of these things, and am pleased to join with you in doing so.

This is the Savior’s work of salvation in which we are engaged.  It is so marvelous and wonderful.  Sister Tilleman and I love it, and we love to serve with you in this glorious labor of love.  We love you, respect you, and are so grateful for you!

Have an incredible week.  Bundle up, stay warm, and serve like there is no tomorrow – with great zeal and haste!  Also, a reminder to get your flu shots if you have not already done so.  And finally, as always, I anxiously await each of your emails this week.


President and Sister Tilleman

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