Monday, October 22, 2012

Re: Things are getting chilly in Burns Lake (From Mom)

My dearest firstborn, Elder Blotter,
    I can't believe we missed you AGAIN. But I think it will be easier now that we know it will always be on Mondays now. I was comatose last night by 8:00 with jet lag. Jacey and Jed actually put me to bed and tucked me in and said a prayer with me. There was a 10 hour difference on our trip. I can't even tell you all that I experienced and learned on our journey. It was pretty epic and a trip of a lifetime. We saw the Colleseum, the Vatican, the Pyramids, mummies of Ramses and other, the Holy Land, Greece, and the beautiful Amalfi Coast in Naples, the lost city of Pompei and many other amazing things. But by far my favorite thing I got to experience was the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. I want one day to have all my kids be able to experience it. The Spirit was so strong. Dad and I both just really felt it. Tears just streamed down our faces and you just KNEW that Jesus Christ lived and died for us and it happened right there. I can't even explain it. It was just amazing.
        Do you know how much I love your letters? I mean really. They are awesome and a highlight of our week. All day Saturday as we were traveling home I thought of you on your trek home from Vancouver and rushing home to fill the font. And then I thought of you about the time of the baptism and I just WISH I could have been there! And sweet tender mercy happened. We had been traveling about 20 hours and were just arriving in Hyde Park I got a text. It was from Sis. Lambert in Burn's Lake with a photo of you just minutes after the baptism with Vanessa. I couldn't believe it!! It was such a blessing after having thought of you all day and wondering how it went. I would love to give that woman a hug. And how adorable is Vanessa and her sweet little one! Can you believe how her life has changed with the gospel as a part of it? I hope to be able to meet her one day. (And I loved that Gemma said you're name)
    Well, we got a new Stake Presidency on Sunday. The new Stake President is named Mario Durrant, from Amelia's ward. We don't know that much about him, just that he has really great kids. Then Scott Erickson (Pres. Erickson's son) is one counselor and Mitch Gatherum's dad is the other. They were all bishops in our Stake. They are all pretty young! About Dad's age, I guess.
    Poor Chester is most likely dead. The word on the street (from Preston Whitteker) is that animal control was scraping something white off the road in front of our driveway. He told Jacey at school while we were gone so she cried all day! Not sure how to break the news to Amelia.  :o
    Jacey LOVED the Canadian candy. That was a huge hit with her. She shows it to everyone and lets them try a little.  Well, I wish you a very successful and happy week! Know your fam prays for you many times a day. During our family prayer tonight after Family Home, Dad was saying the prayer and when he started to pray for you he couldn't say anything for like 25 seconds. We love you and are so blessed to have you as our son. Forgive us for not writing last week. But did you start to get any of the post cards yet?  :)  I will send you a couple pics from the trip. Have a great week. Love, Mom

Here we are at the Sea of Galilee. It was awesome.

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