Monday, September 24, 2012

Re: Mother

Josh Blotter.....I am never going to wait until Monday night to write your weekly letter again. I am sorry I missed you my dear missionary son. I got home late last night from Seattle and my 6th annual Sister's Trip with my dear mom and sisters. I loved Seattle and loved that I wasn't so far away from you!  When it would clear up I could see Canada. I'll send a couple pics. One of the highlights was going on a bicycle tour all around Seattle with my 75 year old mom in tow.  :)
    I am thrilled you will be about to stay in Burn's Lake! At least one more time! So you will be the senior companion? Does that mean you won't have to spend a day planning the week?  (Hee hee) Can't wait to hear about your new companion and where he is from. Jenessa just gave me a letter to send to you and one for Elder Neher. Hopefully you can save it for him in case you see him again. Sometimes it takes so long for you to get a package I want to make sure you get a little birthday package in time. What (besides pens) do you need or want for your big day? You will spend your 20th in Burn's Lake. I'll always have a soft spot for Burn's Lake.
    PLEASE just have anyone in your ward with a camera and computer TAKE YOUR PICTURE. Then in a nice voice ask if they wouldn't mind forwarding that pic to Since June 13th, I've only gotten one picture sent from Pres. Tilleman. I need more.
PS, I will pay if necessary.  :D
Love you to pieces. And I would have DIED to see a black bear sliced open inside the house. I guess she was just making a little "bear popcorn". 

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