Monday, September 10, 2012

The Week


Well I guess you learned that most of us are emailing on Monday night!!  If it is any consolation to you there was a mail strike in 1987 in Argentina, and I did not hear a word from anyone in the United States of America for 6 months!  Hopefully you can survive the week, and maybe even sneak into the library for a quick fix from home.

Always new and exciting things.  We had friends stay with us the day before Lotoja.  They are all bishops and stake presidents now.  I am an outlier as a secretary in the young men's presidency, but I try to do a bang up job!  Who else can control Tyler Axtell and Zach Balls.  We ate dinner with Scott and Rachel Jacob, parents of Ben Jacob.  They are really neat people.  Ben is in Brazil, and been out similar to you.

A rider died in Lotoja this year.  Hit a pothole, slammed into a guardrail, flipped over the guardrail and fell forty feet off a bridge into the Snake River, which was very shallow.  I wondered if his driving history included serving a mission in British Columbia?

Good to know you are almost done with 'training'.  Back in the day they just gave you some copies of the Book of Mormon and said  "Son, go and baptize people!"  Ultimately it is not hard.  Get up, go out, work, work some more, and then really work.  The harder it gets, the harder you work.  You push back against discouragement and set backs by working harder.  Win the trust of the members without being overbearing, and find creative ways to get people involved in the process.  Trust in the Lord and recognize that he has a great design and knows all things and details.  Natalie Sam Fong gave a good talk in church, and stated that we must look for the good in people.  If we look for the good in people, then we will see them as God sees them.  This was profound.  Especially, because she has had some serious hardships, including raising a very very difficult autistic child.  

I spent 2 hours operating on a man named Clifford's skull today.  Why is this relevant?  Well, I have learned a great deal from Clifford.  He showed up in my office 10 months ago, homeless, stinking, heavy with alcohol and tobacco use.  He had a huge infected tumor the size of a tennis ball growing out of the side of his head.   No insurance, no money (except to buy alcohol and tobacco), nothing.   He had been bounced from office to office being passed along like a pass along card by people not wanting to deal with this problem.  Meanwhile the cancer had grown, and this is a potentially fatal cancer.  He is mildly handicapped.  In a moment I thought, just try to send this down the road.  Make him an appointment somewhere else even though you know that he cannot get there, and they will require cash up front, which he does not have.  But nonetheless, he can just move along, and if he smokes cigarretes he is a fool and deserves what he gets.   And then I stopped, and I thought, "Jill Wallentine Blotter did not raise you to be some spoiled, over paid doctor in a hurry, who is unwilling to try to rescue a soul, so get going you pathetic wretch!"  Well, I scheduled him for surgery that week.  The hospital said no, they need money up front,  I told them I would never do another insured patient again if they did not do this case for free.  I spent 9 hours removing cancer from his head and neck surgically.  I got him recovered after a week in the hospital.  He needed radiation.  We helped arrange an apartment in Brigham City for him to live.  Mom went shopping and decked him out with a new wardrobe, including a flannel fleece like I wear, that he has never taken off.  I arranged radiation treatments, the hospital refused, I threatened again.  He got radiation.   The radiation killed the rest of the cancer, but it also killed some skin on his skull, and I have been reconstructing that gradually ever since.  I gave him my last $10 to for gas to get home after his procedure today. 

I have really never talked to anyone about Clifford, except Mom. The office staff know him.   The reason that I tell you that little story, is because it is on my mind today, and it has been very very rewarding for me personally to fight that battle for Clifford.  And I have fought it will every ounce of strength, money, resources, etc that I could muster, just like he were my brother.   I have realized the meaning of the scripture 'insomuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me' and therefore, it is as if I possibly tried to reach out to the Savior himself.  In doing so I have have been so richly blessed that I cannot even comprehend, and the Lord protects and prospers us as a family in every way imaginable.

You spend every day on the same errand, and I am proud of you.  Just know that the Lord loves you,  and as you reach for people, especially lowly people,  you are only following his example.  He will open the windows of heaven, now and in the future.  Keep up the good work!



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