Friday, September 14, 2012


Dear Elder Josh,
     Well, today marks exactly 3 months since we dropped you off at the MTC. I am so happy to say that I am doing SO much better than I was the first two months you were gone. I personally didn't see what was so "wonderful" about having you be gone for so long. But after 3 months I finally see the light! The highlight of our week is receiving your e-mail and seeing how the work is progressing. It is such a blessing to see you as a missionary and see your desire to serve the Lord and find people who's lives you will change forever. You are planting seeds in Burn's Lake!  I loved hearing about the miracles that took place just last week. :) happy
    And you can't just go and send your e-mail a day early! I just about DIED when I saw your e-mail and realized no one had written you that week! As a mother....I was mortified. Please forgive me and know that we think about you daily and love you to pieces. Grandpa Blotter and his two brothers and Uncle Scott are in Alaska fishing. Really not too far from you, I'd bet. Dad couldn't go this time. He is missing too much time already with our big trip coming up in 22 days, but who's counting? We are going to "Walk where Jesus walked". I can't believe we are really doing it and is going to happen. Well, hopefully it will. Our stop in Egypt may not happen. They stormed our US Embassy in Cairo this week and there is a bit of unrest. This is our trip. Fly to Rome and spend 3 days with the Elwoods touring Italy. Get on a ship and go to Egypt, Israel (Jerusalem, Sea of Galilee, Mount of Beatitudes, Nazareth, etc. ), Athens, Greece, Naples, Italy and back to Rome. We get two days each in Egypt and Israel. So thankful we get to do this trip now and not when the Alzheimer's has set in.
    My friend, Shanna Knowles had the fun experience of having her son, Riley open his mission call last night. He was called to the Halifax, Canada mission. It is in Nova Scotia, over by Maine. I hear it's extremely cold (35 below zero) for 5-7 months of the year.  #-o d'oh!Speaking of cold is it getting for you? Do you think you'll be warm enough with the coat we got? Is it time to think about boots? Well, I hope all is well. My dear friend Kathy Holt fell down a flight of stairs in the temple and tore her rotator cuff. (shoulder) She is having surgery in the morning.  Poor thing.
           Have a super day, Josh. Love, Mom

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