Sunday, November 3, 2013


Greetings from the Lower 48,

Hopefully the work is progressing in the great white north.  I hope that Vernon is a buzz with missionary work.  It sounds like things are busy and going well, which is a great thing.  Being very busy and lost in the work is missionary happiness.   Getting there requires work; however, you were forged in the fiery furnace of Burns Lake  which has you prepared for anything, in missionary work and life.  We enjoy your letters and stories.  I think many blessings come to our family through your faithful missionary service.  I was telling Claudia as much recently.

Here at home we had a great Halloween.  Jed was Captain America and Jacey was the cutest little cowgirl you have ever seen.  I sent a few pics.  Claudia found Halloween a little strange, and really thinks the pumpkin thing this time of year is odd.  She had never seen a pumpkin before, and now she looks at them, carves them, eats them, and pretty much everything else.  It is fun to see our country from the eyes of a new person.  

In other news Grandpa Blotter almost cut the tip of his left ring finger off at the ranch, and I am changing daily dressings and preparing for skin grafting.  Medical school might prove to be a good investment for him after all, at this rate.  

We attended a regional conference today at USU at the Spectrum.  It was so good.  We heard for the President of the Seventy, Elder Tad Callister.  He gave a great talk of scripture study and parenting.  Too late for you and Ness, our work there is pretty much done, but very timely for the other ones.   The meeting was presided over by Elder L Tom Perry.  In his talk he mentioned that Alma the Younger was perhaps the greatest missionary of all time.  I didn't think Jed was listening, but he turned to me and said "I'll bet that Josh is second best".  So there is a little pressure for you!  Elder Perry gave a fine talk, largely based on Missionary work.  I think that church has realized, okay, we have 80,000 missionaries, Now What?  Members need to invite.  The story of one of your members offering a sick neighbor a blessing was a perfect example.  Anyway, we were lucky to be in the presence of an Apostle.  The spirit was strong.  There was no evil present in the spectrum this morning.  It could not coexist with the light that comes from a true Apostle of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

Well, that is pretty much a rap.  Hope you have a great week.



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