Monday, November 4, 2013

Life is A1 in the Okanagan


Well, this week has just been a highlight week of the mission, and therefore of life. We just got off exchanges with Elder Epperson, who President Tilleman (randomly) decided to make one of his assistants mid-transfer.  It's been good to work with him again. He's going home in December already! That is totally crazy. Steven got baptized yesterday! He was so ready. It was also Stake Conference this week, and we've just seen a lot of miracles over the past week.

First off though, it snowed in Cache Valley?? It hasn't even snowed in Vernon yet. We were on exchanges in Merritt, and it was snowing there and the roads were just terrible on the way back, but we are still snow-free. And we're in Canada. I love Vernon. It's like a less dry version of Cache Valley with scenic lakes and lots of tasty produce. Just with fewer Mormons and no temple. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.

So! At the Saturday evening session of Stake Conference, because President Tilleman couldn't attend, Elder Baker and I were asked to pick one of us to speak in his place. We "cast lots" as they say, and Elder Baker was the speaker. Elder Blotter was just cruising along, thinking he was in the clear, when the following day at Stake Conference, when President Tilleman was speaking, in front of the entire Stake, he says "I understand that yesterday Elder Baker had the opportunity to speak for me. I just keep on think that that is just not fair for only one person in that companionship to have the opportunity to speak."

Oh. No.

Yeah. My stomach dropped somewhere in between the only surviving pair of Hush Puppies that I came out with. Fortunately, in the end, I was only called upon to recite the 1st Vision (no pressure, you just have to be on-the-spot perfect, because what missionary doesn't have the 1st Vision memorized, right?) and to bear brief testimony about it. But still. My mind was totally blank as I was walking up to the podium and I don't remember what I did say, so hopefully I got it all right.

Anyways, after that, it was Steven's baptismal service. What a beautiful service! The spirit was so strong. I'm sure our investigators that were there felt that. Elder Baker hadn't had the chance to perform the ordinance of baptism before, but he did great. Or at least, I'm confident that he did great. Steven brought Tim, who... wasn't sober. And so Elder Epperson and I missed the ordinance because we were separating Tim from this poor girl from the YSA ward he was harassing. Bishop escorted him home during the service. What a nightmare. But, he brought another 19 year old friend, Chris, and after the service, we gave him a church tour and set a baptismal date with him for November 30th. Miracles have not ceased! When Steven was bearing his testimony, he talked about how he was asked recently about what his hobbies are, and he had no idea what to say because he's had to completely redefine his life since committing to live the Saviour's commandments. He's literally a new person, because he can not and does not want to do the things that he used to do to waste his life away. What an exciting time for Steven! For him, baptism is completely an opportunity to "walk in the newness of life" (Romans 6:4). He's literally had so much faith, and it's been a blessing to have the chance to work with him. He is the kind of person that you are on your mission to find.

Other than that, life's been good! It was Halloween this week, and that makes it the 2nd to last time on my mission that I'll have to stay inside for an evening. We didn't get any trick or treaters this year, but the JW's found us (thanks to Bishop Whibley, who told them that he has a basement suite as a joke) and have been sticking pamphlets in our door.  We had a planning session, but finished, and in the end, we played real life fruit ninja with a knife and all the apples that this Sikh couple across the street gave us that we couldn't eat fast enough before they started to go bad.

Well, it's been a good week! It was good to hear from all of you. The work in the Vernon zone is going well. We're finding, teaching, baptizing. The church is true. We don't even appreciate what we have! We have a prophet on the earth, giving us direction and guidance from God. How awesome is that? 

Elder Blotter

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