Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Remembrance Day!

Hello family!
It's Canada's more-emphasized version of Veteran's Day today! Well, I don't know about more-emphasized, but it's a big deal up in Canada. Shopping took a while because of "moments of silence" where they came over the loudspeakers and told everybody to quiet down. It was neat. Everybody, even missionaries, wears these fake poppies pinned to their clothes for a few weeks before Remembrance Day. It's pretty intense. For the first and probably only time (I missed the first Canada Day in the MTC, and most of the Kitimat branch wasn't Canadian so we didn't sing it then either) of my life, I sang O Canada in a Sacrament Meeting. Tears were certainly shed.
Well, this week has been a spiritual feast, as far as weeks go. This week was mission conference and mission council, and so our whole zone made the 6 hour bus ride down to the lower mainland to hear from President Tilleman and Elder Paul V. Johnson of the 70. We received so much guidance. It was kind of like getting a drink from a fire hose. I loved it. A lot of missionaries were expecting some form of technology to be introduced at this mission conference, but no iPads for the Canada Vancouver mission yet. We were taught how to continue to hasten the work, though: by talking with everyone! By working with members! "Hastening the work" means working harder and following the counsel of our priesthood leaders, not getting iPads.
One of the most amazing trainings that I've received yet on my mission was in mission council with Elder Johnson. His training pretty much was just one inspired question: "What have you learned about leadership from President and Sister Tilleman?" And that question was all that it took. We just filled the rest of the time. President Tilleman literally had tears in his eyes and as he shook my hand as he was going around the room, he said "that was the hardest thing I have had to do in my life". Humble giant. I know that everybody says that their mission is the best mission in the world. But really. We think our mission is the best mission in the world. :) We were reflecting on the influence that our mission president has had on our lives, and President Tilleman really is a fantastic mission president. He really shows that the best leaders are the best followers. He just makes you want to follow the prophet.
We've seen a lot of very awesome miracles over the past week! We had a lot of experiences over the past week that really emphasized how "every moment counts" on your mission. We found several new investigators over the past week from choosing to go and work hard instead of sitting around. Yesterday, we were going to pick up a member for a lesson, and we had about 10 minutes early. We could have made calls or something. The calls probably would have been a good use of time. But, we ran outside and on the 2nd door we knocked on, we were able to teach a (admittedly quick) first lesson. We found several new investigators in that period where it's about 15 or 20 minutes until curfew, it's been dark for hours, it's cold, rainy, and people seem more irritated when you knock on their doors. It really is when you put in a little extra effort that you see miracles. Over the past transfer, we've constantly been trying to find ways to hasten the work, and I've been working harder than I ever have previously on my mission. We just run everywhere and are always going and going. Learning how to push out the natural man that wants us to stay in our warm and dry car.
Oh man. I love the work in Vernon. Latisha, Steven's landlord who is a former investigator, just called us to tattle on Tim and Chris, Steven's other roommates who are also investigators. She feels like they are just not giving her enough respect, and so she expects us to straighten them out. She is a funny lady. I love the people that you get to meet on your mission. I sometimes think as I'm sitting in people's houses, "there is no other conceivable reason on earth that I would be sitting in this persons house right now".

Anyways! Family, I sure do love you all. Thanks for the happy birthday wishes. It's crazy that I am turning 21. 21 feels like twice as weird as 20. 21 sounds... older. Weird weird! Anyways, sorry, email time is a little short this week! Hope that everyone has a good week, though!

Elder Blotter

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