Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Birthday on Thursday!!

Dear Elder Josh,
    We will sure be thinking of you on your big 21st this week. I have no one in Vernon to ask to make your fave Peaches and Cream Cake. I'll just have to make it for you when you get home, I guess. Would Elder Baker have those kind of baking skills?  :)  One time this week Claudia says, "You really like Josh, don't you?" Dad and I were talking about what a FUN baby you were or something. We laughed and said, "YES, and so would you if you met him."  :D
    So two things. First, your debit card. I looked into that and found out it expired in August. They said one should have been sent here sometime before that but I never saw it. So they have cancelled that card. I have a new one for you that I put in the mail on Friday. When you get it you are suppose to let me know it made it and tell me what you want the PIN to be and they will reset it and it will then work. So what do you want the PIN to be?
     And the second thing is about a trip to Whales. Like, next to England, Whales? Dad thought you meant Prince of Whales Island. But I am guessing you are talking about Whales, Whales. Is this guy from there or something? It sounds like a dream trip, for sure. We think that it sounds like a neat opportunity. Just one thing. We have planned and paid for a family trip where we would be leaving on July 28th for a week. As long as you could be home in time for that, it sounds great to us. It sounds like you would if you are leaving 3 weeks after arriving home.

     Are you able to read Amelia's e-mails? I check up on her blog and read them to Grandma J, along with yours every week. They are GREAT. Last week it sounds like was the best of her mission and finally things are looking up and she is learning the language and training. Happy for her. And I am so happy our birthday package arrived SO fast. I was sure I had waited too long and it would be late. It must be faster not having to go so far North. It's almost time to send a Christmas package. Any requests or needs?

      I thoroughly LOVED hearing about Steven and his conversion. It would be so great to meet him some day. What is his last name? Your weekly e-mail continues to be a highlight of the week for us. Jenessa is studying hard and doing well at school. She is currently dating 3 people from her student ward. One is Daniel L's older brother, Tyler and another is his best friend, Jared B. She tried to tell Jared tonight that she was going to date Tyler. Jared's dad is the bishop of the 2nd ward and the whole family could be translated at any time without notice. I think she feels he is too good for her. They are both just off missions. Jared asked if she would wait and pray about it for a week or two. He really likes her.  ??  And then there is another kid that really likes her but is going to Weber in January.  Weird. And she is writing McKay and they have set a date 2 months after he gets home.....    ?  

       We are very sad. Ella the kitty has disappeared. She is the sister of Root Beer. Root Beer wanders off all the time and always comes back. Ella has never left the garage for more than a few minutes. She had surgery on Wednesday (spayed) and disappeared on Thursday. The animal Control guy says a cougar was spotted 200 yards from our house and 2 dogs and many cats are missing.  :o.   So I hope it's allowed that on Friday I put "Ella" on the pray roll at the temple.....

       Well, you sure made me the happiest and proudest mom ever 21 years ago. Tell Elder Baker to be especially nice and to sing Happy Birthday to you on Thursday.   :)    Love you to pieces.    Mom

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