Monday, November 26, 2012

Burns Lake Report


It actually hasn't felt quite as cold in Burns Lake, either. A lot of people seem to be complaining about global warming. We're not complaining, though, because now that we've kind of adjusted to the temperatures up here -6 degrees actually feels kind of warm. There's still quite a bit of snow, but that just makes it feel like a legit winter. We're thinking about making an "I'm a Mormon" snowman on our front lawn, but we're not sure how our landlord would feel about that.

The second round of Thanksgiving was awesome! We had two dinner appointments with less actives right in a row. Whew. It was some really delicious food, though. I'm not sure why America hasn't found out about perogies yet. They are actually pretty good. Except that the "healthy" families don't fry them, and so I'm pretty sure that if we were Canadians, and so knowing Mom, we would only boil them and not fry them. One of the families we ate with had their neighbor Walt over. Walt is kind of like the Bensens. It's frustrating that they don't just find eternal happiness through accepting saving ordinances and being baptized! Walt has the Doctrine and Covenants pretty much memorized and he just goes off about comparing the stuff in there with the prophecies of Ezekiel. Investigators that know it's true but don't get baptized. Whaddya gonna do?

Sounds like there is some pretty interesting stuff happening back home. A lot of mission calls! It's really exciting to hear where people are going. 7 new areas are going to be opened this upcoming transfer alone in our mission. I'll bet that Jed and Jacey are great skiiers at this point! Tell Jed and Jacey thank you for the pictures in with the package. I always love them a lot. I especially appreciate it when Jed makes sure that I know that he did the monster drawing all by himself. (Ha ha) I think I read the book version of that zombie movie.  Another week of birthdays are coming up, too! Happy birthday on the 29th, Jenessa and Dad! That is weird to think that Jenessa will be a legal adult in a couple days. I'll have to send some more Canadian candy sometime. iFly is pretty cool. I remember doing that. I think it would be cool if you got an iFly the size of a gym and then you could play Quidditch in it. Oh well. Back to missionary work!

At this point, the work in Burns Lake is centered on getting Ray Johnson baptized, so that their family can become an eternal family. It's hard to work with him because even though we feel like he knows that it's true, he's addicted to smoking and scared to death of his Catholic mother, but we're really working with him. He came to church this Sunday, and so we're hoping that he keeps progressing. Brooklyn will be baptized at the end of December (what parent could say no to a 9 year old girl who just wants to be baptized for Christmas?)  The Corliss family, who we've been working with for a couple weeks now, is becoming more active again, which we are excited about. We can already feel a difference in their home. If we can get them to get over the initial embarrassment that comes from starting to come back to church and get them to chuck the coffee machine that the slightly bipolar wife uses, they'll be golden. One member, Sister Scheel, is pretty much fully active again, despite her nonmember husband, which has awesome to see happen. We've been working with a lot of less actives and we've been promised that baptisms will come as a result of activating people. So hopefully we'll see some miracles soon!

Vanessa is pretty much living proof that Helaman 15 is correct: when Lamanites get converted, they get converted. She has such a solid testimony. It's awesome. She says that her therapist broke down and started crying during one of her counseling sessions because of how much she's changed and how there just seems to be a light around her now. She's pretty awesome. Now we just have to find somebody else. We have been tracting SO MUCH.  At least four or five hours a day. Often more. We just want to find somebody that we can help into the waters of baptism!

Oh, and mother, you'd be so proud. While the primary is using the chapel for primary presentation practice, Priesthood meeting is held in the primary room, where they don't have recorded music for the hymns. So they have me play the piano for them. Right hand only. But still.

Well, hope everybody has a great week!
Elder Blotter

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