Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy 20th!

  It really doesn't seem that long ago when one Friday night my water broke 3 weeks early and you made your big arrival at 1212 Medical Plaza in Salt Lake City. Now 20 years later you are a missionary in Burns Lake, Canada. Please know that we'll be thinking of you on Wednesday and Jenessa requested we have your favorite Peaches and Cream cake in honor of Jooooooooossssshhhhh. Your not a bad kid. I really hope you have a great day and that someone will let you in on one of those 9....Oh, excuse me, 10 avenues in Burns Lake and they will listen and be kind to you.  :)  Oh, I am assuming you are indeed still in Burns Lake.  :)
     I just returned from a Stake YW training meeting. I am so excited for the new program for the youth beginning in January! Have you heard about it? It's called "Come, Follow Me" and there will be no more manuals for Sunday lessons. We are encouraged to teach like the Savior. And spiritually prepare throughout the week and just go with the spirit and let the girls teach each other and we will be facilitators. The website is AMAZING with lots of videos to help, etc. I think it is very inspired and will be really a good thing and will help the youth be more prepared to serve a mission at 18 or 19. And make it essential that leaders (me) are more prepared spiritually.   :)
    Please let me know WHAT I can send you to help you be more warm. I will send you whatever you A big super warm coat with a hood?  Better boots? Gloves?  I really don't like the though of my firstborn chilly. We love you so much and are proud of the young man you have become. We are all well and can't wait to hear about your week. Have a very Happy Birthday!!!!!!!  Tell Elder Epperson to give you 20 spankings and a pinch to grow an inch. (Well, maybe not)       Love, Mom
We made you this sign at our 1st annual Girls Night at the cabby.


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