Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Dear Elder Blotter,
       WE LOVE YOU and hope you had a wonderful birthday this past Wednesday. We thought about you all day and wondered what you were doing in Smithers. Are you really 20 years old?? Did you get a little Peaches and Cream Cake for your big day? Am I in big trouble for communicating with a Burns Lake member? I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF. When it was that Wednesday that I thought you might be getting transferred, it was driving me crazy that I didn't know where in the world you were. I remembered that lady had sent me a pic of your baptism. I very innocently texted her to see if she knew if Elder Blotter had been transferred that day. Then she texted back and we became friends. I told her it was your birthday and she said it was her 5 year old sons birthday also, so we concocted a little plan. And THEN to make matters worse I sent her the video of Amelia opening her call. I asked her what she thought about letting you watch it. (I kept going back and forth about whether it would be OK or not)   She worried it might make you homesick, so we decided she wouldn't show it to you and I would just tell you today. Then later that night she texted that her husband showed it to you! Knowing you, I didn't think it would be anything but exciting and fun for you to get to see it. I know you'll be thrilled for her and excited about her call to Brazil. Can you believe it?? And that she will leave April 3. (Her Dad said he wished she was leaving either a month before or a month after that) And just a little bit more exciting news....................Stephanie Pack received her call on your birthday also and Dad says she has the dream call. She is going to Chile. (Northern) Can't remember the city. Lots and lots of baptisms and perfect weather. Alison Lundberg will get her call this Wednesday. All those 19 year old girls are getting their calls. Oh, Brooke Porter got her call to the Philippines. 
      So I have a question about the ferry? When the water freezes how to you cross? Do you just drive over it? Scary. The Durstelers haven't ever taken a real family vacation and they realize Ethan will leave for a mission in probably June. They are in Hawaii for Thanksgiving! Then they have a trip to Disney World scheduled for January! Grandma and Grandpa Blotter are going back to Armenia for 10 days in January. And our Ohio friends, the Dubanowiches are coming to stay for a week starting on Jeds birthday. What can I do with them for a week??
       I sent you a package this week with warm gloves and liner, a fancy pants $50 scarf from the Sportsman and some thermal garment bottoms. Could you also use a thermal garment top? I am going to send your Christmas package this week so you for sure get it before Christmas and/or a transfer. Make sure you don't open it. You need something to open on Christmas day.  :)   I so loved your letter last week and have thought about you tracting that city 5 times and knowing Reed and Sheila live here, Bob lives here and works for so and so. I know Burns Lake has had its challenges, but you will always have a special place in your heart for that beautiful, cold place with all those characters. 
     Is there anything else you need that I could put in your package and send? Do you need more contacts? Please let me know if you need something. And know that your mom loves you. I am just so very proud of you and thankful to be your mom.   

PS I sent that pic to Grandma on your birthday. She blew it up and its hanging on her fridge. One year ago. Years go by fast!


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