Monday, February 3, 2014

Miracles have not ceased! (Moroni 7:36-37)

I just don't even know how you start an email recounting a week like the past week! I guess like this: "Jed! Congratulations on being baptized! That is so exciting! Good for you! I wish that I could have been there to see it, but you absolutely made the right decision. We can't even begin to understand how big of a deal baptism is, but you'll be blessed for your whole life. Here's what the Savior has got to tell you about it:
21 And [since Jed] will hear my voice [he] shall be my sheep; and him shall ye receive into the church, and him will I also receive.
22 For behold, this is my church; whosoever is baptized shall be baptized unto repentance. And whomsoever ye receive shall believe in my name; and [Jed] will I freely forgive.
23 For it is I that taketh upon me the sins of the world; for it is I that hath created them; and it is I that granteth unto [Jed] that believeth unto the end a place at my right hand.
24 For behold, in my name [is Jed now] called; and [because he knows me, Jed] shall come forth, and shall have a place eternally at my right hand.
(Mosiah 26)
Secondly, Toni got baptized this week! It was such a miracle. We set the date on Friday, and she got baptized 2 days later. We were talking on Thursday about how Elder Baker and Elder Lindemann (another missionary who has served in Vernon previously) were going to be in the Vernon area for exchanges, and so they'd be at church this Sunday. And we thought, why doesn't Toni just get baptized this weekend? Everything would just be perfect! Toni has been taught since sometime in August, and I've been working with her ever since coming to Vernon 4 or 5 months ago. And we've probably planned in her baptismal service 5 or 6 times in the previous months. And she was SO READY to be baptized. But she travels a lot, was sick a lot, and had different obstacles to her baptism, so it had just never happened. She was going to be out of town this weekend, but she ended up not going on her trip so we went in to go and teach her with the goal of setting a baptismal date.  We started by talking about how she's gotten answers to her prayers, how she knows the Book of Mormon is true, how she's gotten her connection with God back, and how she knows that she needs to be baptized. And then we invited her to be baptized on Sunday and the spirit was so strong. It was amazing. At first she was kind of incredulous, but then she started to think about it, and just said "I guess I don't have any reason not to be baptized. Yeah. I'll be baptized. What do I need to do?"  It was amazing. We just pulled together a baptismal service, there were a few more bumps in the road (it almost got delayed for another month so that her friend in Alberta could be there, etc) We just kept going, and the result was one of the most powerful baptismal services that I've ever attended. Since Elder Baker was around, he was able to baptize her. When she came up out of the water, she just said "wow". 
And... now it's transfer calls later today, and I am very sincerely hoping that I don't get transferred, because I want to be able to confirm Toni next week, on top of all the other miracle people that we're teaching here in Vernon. But... we'll see!
In between church and the baptismal service, Elder Baker and I had the chance to go on a brief exchange for a few hours. It was awesome. We had an appointment with one of our investigator's future daughter-in-law, (complicated situation) who's future husband is a less active member who just loves the church and is working on coming back. Anyways, she's now pregnant, which has forced her to stay away from partying and the rest of her previous lifestyle, and so she's been able to get some perspective and she's totally ready to be taught. There are just so many miracles. But anyways, it was just great to work with Elder Baker again. We're just two peas in a pod. So that was miracle #2.
Lastly, we've just been seeing so many miracles with the people that we are teaching! Vicki, who I've previously mentioned, is just getting closer and closer to quitting smoking. She's been facing a lot of social pressures from people at the church she previously attended, and is just staying strong. She's meeting with us consistently and just doing great. At one point, she was on the streets of Vancouver (which is why a member family raise her kids) and she has just turned her life around and is just doing great. The Krugers are doing great, too. Sister Kruger now has a job, and so that family has some sort of income. They just need to quit smoking, too! Tobacco. It's just the worst. Canada has horror-movie status warning pictures and messages on the boxes of their cigarettes, and they're taxing the daylights out of them, but people here are still just smoking machines sometimes. It's the worst. You can definitely see that following the guidance of prophets is the right thing to do. Tis better far to avoid all those issues.
Elder Fitzner and I have a deal going that if he can eat 7 McTanks (which is what we call when you put McDonald's entire dollar menu ($1.40 here...) chicken sandwich in between the patties of their dollar menu double cheeseburger) then I have to pay for all of them. BC missionaries don't have the same weight loss concerns as in Korea. We still eat seaweed, but usually it's in the form of all you can eat sushi, and the rolls are deep fried.
Well, sure love you all! Thanks for all of the support. Hope that it's just a great week for one and all.
Elder Blotter
Elder Lindemann, Elder Baker, Toni, Elder Fitzner and Elder Blotter

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