Hi there, Elder Blotter,
     Yeah!!!  It's Monday already and we get to hear from our favorite missionary. How was your week? I got a good chuckle from the pic of Chelsea's baptism with her mother texting!  Bahaha! You will not forget that family, that is for sure. When is it starting to get dark in Kitimat? It gets dark around 9:15 in Cache Valley. It was just barely staying light until 10:00 and now you can tell it's getting ready for school to start. We've been working on getting the helmet on and chin guard strapped tonight . Full pads tomorrow. Jed is not sure what to think about football....
      Guess what? I saw in the obituaries that our dear friend, Jay Hoth passed away! What a kind bus driver he was for you and Ness. I don't know many or any bus drivers that will take kids fishing. In fact, Jed's bus drivers give me the distinct impression that they wouldn't want to see him any longer than they have to. :)  Hannah's farewell is next Sunday. Then the next Sunday is Jacob's homecoming.

   Can you believe Amelia is still in NYC? At what point will they just say, "Go ahead and just finish you mission there". It makes me wonder what will happen. Maybe that visa will just show up any day. I hope so. Jenessa has been sending pics home from Columbus...Tremont School, Fancyburg Park, Castle park, our house, Graeters, etc. I know she had fun but is ready to come home. She'll be home on Tuesday. And we just heard from Claudia that she will be here on the 19th, just 3 days before school starts. And then when she leaves, you'll be coming home! Do you mind if she stays in your room?

     Well, all is well with us. There is a new temple movie and it is really incredibly awesome. The same things are said but I can't explain how powerful it is. As I looked around there weren't many dry eyes. You would have a hard time falling asleep with this movie. I just loved it and can't wait to go back.   Well, I love you SO very much and am thankful for your righteous and obedient example to everyone around you. You are just good. And it is fun to be your mom. :)    Have a very good week.    Mom