Sunday, August 11, 2013


Elder Blotter

I hope that summer continues to find you well in the Great White North.  Hopefully, the work in Kitimat is progressing.  Fifty some odd people at Branch meeting sounds pretty good indeed.  That is exciting and I hope that you can find people to teach the gospel.  I also think that bikes are great.  I always liked bike areas the most, and I pedaled all over Argentina.  The quality of the bikes there was so bad you could not even believe it.  Theft was also a problem.  Nonetheless, bikes are a great thing and I loved them.    Just remember, Mama Grizz on the side of the road can still out run you on your bike.  

Well, today was the farewell of Hannah Blotter.  She did a bang up job.  We are going to miss her.  She spent a few weeks this summer here, and was here a lot when she went to USU.  Sad to see her go, but happy for her opportunity.  While I was there I met a member of her Stake Presidency, with the last name of Hobbs.  He has a daughter in your mission.  Her name is Sister Hobbs, and she is currently in Victoria.  Been out 2-3 months.    She is probably not ready for the hard core, remote, small, first nation, freezing towns of the north yet :)  They seem to be saved for you.  We did have a nice time in Heber and Peru is getting a fine sister.

On the home front, Jacey started piano lessons, and we are enduring the endless plunking of the piano keys.  If I hear Book of Mormon stories one more time, I might lose it!!  The excitement phase of piano lasts about 1 week and then the nagging phase takes over and lasts for years.  Jeddy is doing football, by his own request, and seems to like it.  I am trying to teach him to tackle.  He seemed to like to tackle kids on the bus and get bus tickets, but is more timid on the football field.  I need to reverse those two things.  Jenessa is back from Ohio and her stay with the Dubonowich clan and doing well.  (Jacey just started Book of Mormon Stories on the Piano again while I am typing this email!!)  I think Jenessa had a good time and Griffin is about to propose marriage.  Anyway.

I had a great Lotoja prep ride yesterday.  Big rides in August to prepare for 'the ride' in September.  We rolled off over 100 miles and 6,500 feet of climbing yesterday.  I think I will take a little Lotoja break after this one.  The old back and neck get a little sore.  I guess I am 45 years old these days, though I think of myself as being much younger.  I kind of lost the decade of my 20's,  sacrificed on the altar of medicine.  Mom and I took Grandma and Grandpa to the musical "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor dreamcoat, and we had a great time.  It is a fun musical.  I hope that you continue to help gather Israel in.  I know there are many 'Israelites out there, and if you look around you at the world, the time is at hand.  I hope that you have a great week!



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