Monday, August 12, 2013

Another week has gone by in Kitimat...

Well hello!
Just like that, it's been another week in Kitimat. Well, it's been a week everywhere. But in my world, it's just been a week in Kitimat.Life has been good, though! The work has been moving forward in Kitimat, and we've been blessed. It's also finally getting dark at 10:30, so it doesn't feel like it's eternally daytime because you're sleeping during the few hours of darkness. Can't complain.
This week, we had a pretty awesome miracle at the end of one of our dinner appointments at the Syphus home. (Mother D, do you look at her food blog? If so, you should try to make the fluffy brown sugar icing. It's called something like that. Apparently it's pretty popular, and she found the recipe from Sis. Bonnell, who is a widow in the branch whose attic we have been cleaning because she's planning on moving soon. Sis. Bonnell was pretty happy that it became popular.) We were just wrapping up our spiritual thought and were about to leave, when there was a knock at the door. It was Ron, who was apparently someone who Sis. Syphus wasn't necessarily friends with, but they always would run into each other around town and their kids were friends from school. So, his father in law had just died, and his wife was at work trying to finish her shift, and he said that he was having a really hard time with it and just didn't know where to go. So... he "randomly" just felt like he should go to the Syphus home. Right when we were there. As we were leaving, we talked to him about what we do as missionaries and invited him to meet with us, and he said that him and his wife would be "very interested". It's a miracle how they've been prepared. They aren't very religious, but they have faith in God, and apparently the members of the church in Terrace did a lot of nice things for them, so they have a high opinion of the church. And now, in this time of need, they are ready for the gospel. It's very cool to see how God prepares people and then puts them in your path. All of the variables that need to be in place for that to happen really are too great for that to just be some coincidence.
In areas they keep track of how many lessons you teach each week, and if you look in the history of really small areas you can tell that missionaries get into death spirals where they don't have anybody to teach, there aren't a lot of members to do member work with, so they're left with nothing to do but tract all day. And there aren't that many doors to knock, and so you're left visiting the same people over and over again, who, if not given enough time between visits, can start to get annoyed, and so the missionaries get discouraged and... well. It's not productive. And so it's very cool to see that if you have faith and work hard, you don't get into death spirals. God puts people in your path, and you will have people to teach. And even in this little area, we keep on finding new people to talk to.
We had some other miracles in the work, as well. One former investigator we talked to when we first got into the area, but he wasn't ready to meet with missionaries, so we put him back in the reflecting pool. After a few months, we dropped by, at a good discussion about agency and 2 Nephi 2 and now he's promised to sincerely find out if the Book of Mormon is true. He's the guy who is satisfied with his Anglican beliefs, but "doesn't want to be like the Jews who didn't think that Jesus Christ had anything to offer them, so I keep meeting with you guys". We also found a less active guy, Tom, who was baptized in Langley many years ago, and doesn't remember too much about what we believe. But he's retired and alone, and looking for something more in his life. Conveniently a few months ago, he started living the Word of Wisdom again because he was out of cigarettes when all the stores were closed and he started looking for butts in ashtrays to try to use to get a nicotine fix. He took a step back, said "I'm better than this" and quit. So he's been prepared to start coming back to church too! The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Missions are awesome. Too many experiences to pick from... one shirtless tattooed former drug dealer that we talked to on a more run-down street started talking to us about our faith, and then insisted on feeding us dinner. We told him we were going to be busy, but could come back when we had made some time to eat, and when we came back he was pounding steaks to tenderize them, and he made us this gourmet steak dinner. We ate it sitting on his front lawn as people walked by, kind of weirded out. Good times. The guy wasn't ready to hear our message, but the world is filled with good people!
Well, the church is true! We see miracles every day. It's good to hear that there's lots of exciting stuff at home. Is it really time for school to start already? No way. Jed; good luck at football! Jacey: keep tickling the ivories. You'll be a great pianist. Talk to you all next week!

Elder Blotter

Beautiful Kitimat

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