Our next two Blotter missionaries...(South Korea and Peru, here they come)

At the Blotter Family Reunion, Bear Lake.
Whew! We are having a heat wave around these parts, for sure. It was 99 today! They are also having restrictions with the canal so everything seems like it's a little brown. But before we know it, it'll be freezing and we'll be complaining about that. :)  Life is good and we survived Kids Camp this week. Barely. We had Hannah with us this past week and she is a joy. I went with her and Sara and Grandma to a session at the temple while she was here. She is very excited to be going on her mission. 26 days and counting.
    I sent a facebook message to who I assumed was Jeff Chipman's sister. She sent me his e-mail back. Here it is...jeffrey.chipman@myldsmail.net. Let me know if you want me to get it to Elder Day. Technology.  :)   By the way, have you noticed any difference with the use of technology yet? At Ward Council before I was released the missionaries were there and said they expected to be getting ipads in the mail soon. That may just be here in Utah. It's exciting to see how change is inspired.
    I read Andy's first e-mail from the MTC. It made me smile. He told so many details! Every type of soda in the cafeteria, juice, chocolate milk, his schedule down to the minute. And I laughed that he was saying how hard of a time with Swedish he was having.....it was his 2nd day there.  Ha ha. He will be great.  Oh, I got a new calling today! I'm not suppose to say anything yet. I'm suppose to wait for my BACKGROUND CHECK.  I'm going to be a Wolf leader in cub scouts. I'll be there for when Jed starts scouts in December! I can't remember ever having a calling that I didn't have to do anything on Sunday. At first I was thinking it was a bit of a downer but now I'm thinking it will be GREAT.
    I can't remember if we told you last week that Jed is signed up for football! I was sure he was too young but a friend called and hoped Jed would do it with him. He has been asking and asking to do it. It's the first thing I've ever noticed him excited about. I tried to talk him out of it. I told him how you would come home with bruises all down your arm and it is hard and HOT and the more I told him, the more excited he became. And he is really looking more and more like you everyday. When Grayson was here he saw a picture that he thought was Jed but was you.
    Jenessa is leaving for a quite a trip to Ohio with the Dubanowich's. They are taking her to Niagra Falls, COSI, the zoo, our old house and other fun things. She will have a great time. She is getting all signed up for USU and ready to go. I think she will take that school by storm. She has been attending the local YSA ward and isn't loving it, but is giving it time.
     Jacey has a soccer tournament next weekend in Park City. So we'll be heading down that way. OH, I TOTALLY FORGOT TO ASK! Did you have a baptism yesterday? I thought of you and wondered if it happened! Need lot's of details of that. And yesterday was the Blotter Family Reunion at Bear Lake. It was fun but we all thought how cool it will be to have you there next year.  :)   And Dad is training for Lotoja. He's looking pretty lean with all the riding he's done.
    Well, that's all for now. Love you so much and I have sure been praying for the people of Kitimat.    Love, Mom