Monday, June 10, 2013

Kitimat Report

Well! It looks like there were some fun times had in Florida this past week. Ha ha... the car made me laugh.
There were 3 experiences that we had in the 'Mat that made me ponder a bit over the past week that I want to share. The first was with a front-toothless man named Aloyes (probably Portuguese) in his fifties and who apparently has a chest and aorta full of tumors. I'm sure that Dad would have understood whatever condition he's in, but apparently they aren't malignant, but he still doesn't have too much longer to live. (As a sidenote, because of the healthcare system, he doesn't have the option of paying for treatment. All he gets are some painkillers.) The JW's ripped him off of his life savings when his wife died, and so he is very skeptical of organized religion, and he's done some research and has questions about if the Bible is legitimate. But at the same time, religion and spirituality has been an issue that's pressed on his mind lately because, well, for him, death is kind of imminent. We've taught him a few times about the Plan of Salvation. He admits that he loves talking with us, but he has a really big barrier to developing any kind of faith. But we'll see. We have high hopes for Aloyes.
The second was with a 20 year old native named Fred. It was pretty cool how we managed to find him, but long story short we were led to his door and he let us in. We taught the message of the Restoration, and the Spirit was very strong. At one point he was in tears. BUT, wouldn't you know it, right as he was about to say a closing prayer, the rest of his family walked in the front door. And it became very apparent that his family wasn't too big a fan of walking in and seeing some Mormons on their couch. We wrapped it up pretty quickly and left. We were given his cell phone number, but it's been a few days and he hasn't responded to calls or texts. But he knows it's true! It's interesting the trials of faith that each of us are called to go through. For some people, it seems to be a challenge acting on the witness that they have received, and for others, it's a challenge to receive a witness in the first place.
Finally, I don't remember if you guys remember Norma. I'm not sure if I talked about her too much. She's the toothless, 300+ pound, 5 foot tall old First Nations lady from Vancouver that literally is almost dead. Every week she would have stories about how doctors wanted her to take surgeries that would give her a 50% chance of survival and how she didn't want to take them. In any case, at some point much earlier in her life, she had met with missionaries and was going to be baptized in Vancouver, but the police required her to move because her abusive boyfriend was out to get her, and so she never got baptized. Many years down the road, Elder Smith and I talked to her as we were waiting for our bus to come, and then Elder Holtby and I taught her all of the lessons. We had lots of cool experiences, like a priesthood blessing that healed her of an addiction to coffee, etc... And then, the week before her baptism, her landlord gave her the boot and she had to move to Surrey. We just gave her teaching record to the missionaries there and they managed to get in contact with her, and just this past week she got baptized there! A senior couple missionary called and gave me the chance to talk to her, and she just kept on saying how happy she was. It was a miracle. The church is true.
It's cool to see how the Lord has a plan for each one of us! Our walk on this earth isn't supposed to be an easy one, but it's certainly a worthwhile one, and it's very cool to see how everything works out in the end. But life is good in Kitimat! There's a lot of stuff going on, which is the way that we like it. I hope that you all have a great week this week! And Jacey can have that old iPod. I wondered where on Earth that thing went. I knew it fell down there somewhere, but I never could find it. Ha ha...
Elder Blotter

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