Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Church is still true in Kitimat!

Home Sweet Home in Kitimat.

Well, it's been a great week in Kitimat! There have been a lot of miracles. Wendy was baptized back in Vancouver East, which is awesome. Her boyfriend from Minnesota flew up to baptize her. Wendy is a really awesome lady. She had a bunch of powerful experiences as she was being taught. At one point, she had an issue with tithing. She didn't think she could afford to give that amount of money to the church and still cover her living expenses. The next day, her employer told her that since she was moving to California, they would give her the amount they had saved for her in a retirement account. Her employer automatically took 10% of her income and saved it in an account that was given to them at their retirement. She had no idea, but she was already living with a tithed income, and she took that as an answer to her prayers. The church is true!
 Meanwhile, in Kitimat, the Boyson family finally came to church! The Boyson family is a part-member family that missionaries have been working with since the dawn of time (or at least since the missionaries in Terrace started working in Kitimat). The whole family is kind of quirky, and on days we teach lessons in their home, we shower in the evening before we go to bed because it's (almost literally) a jungle inside their home. But they're awesome. Brother Boyson feels like he's been wronged by a brother who has a prominent church calling in Alberta, and so he's been less active and none of his family members are members. We started working with them when we arrived in Kitimat, and finally they came to church, and they really enjoyed it, too. It's awesome to work with part member families. We're expecting some miracles with that family.
Other than that, life has been good! We've pretty much knocked every door in Kitimat, and most of Kitamaat Village, the reserve about 15 km out of town. We're preparing for our second pass through. There are some pretty awesome people we're teaching. Some less active JW's, a previous Satanist who is now pentecostal, some natives... life is pretty interesting. Kitimat is a beautiful town. Our apartment is infested with ants and the bathroom always smells like marijuana, but you can look out the window and see the ocean cradled in a little mountain valley, so that makes up for it. The people here are pretty laid back and good to talk to. Canadians.You know doing missionary work can't be too rough in a country where in military basic training you are given a "hurt feelings card" that you can hold up when the drill sargeant is yelling at you, and by law he has to move on to the next soldier. True story. Life is good! It's been good to hear from you all. Keep Kitimat in your prayers.
Elder Blotter

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