Monday, May 6, 2013

Hello from (just about) the North Pole!

Well, it's been a great week! It feels weird that it's already P-day. Time is going by really quickly up here. Good to hear from home! Lots of stuff seems to be going on around springtime. Soccer, graduation, all of that stuff. Sounds pretty exciting!  It's too bad (or good? I'm not sure who I'm supposed to root for here) that the Vancouver Whitecaps lost. We parodied their advertisements on the Sky Train pretty frequently when I was in Vancouver. (Our All. Our Honour...) And Jenessa is graduating already! That's weird. Out of curiosity, what is the Senior Class gift for this year? I remember we brainstormed and submitted a lot of ideas that the principals wouldn't approve. (bobcat shaped drinking fountain, actual bobcat petting zoo, etc) So we finally just planted some trees around the "Sky View" sign in the field in front of the school and put a 2011 plaque in front of it hoping that we could just kind of claim credit for the whole thing. Good times.
Well, the work in Kitimat is going great! We're finding lots of people to teach, even though it usually means that we (almost literally) have to look underneath rocks and in nooks and crannies for them. We went on exchanges with the zone leaders this week, and one of them, Elder Morris, thought we were exaggerating about the tendency for people to be "less interested", so I had him take the first couple doors. Ha ha... every area really is very unique. We have a lot of different investigators. There is even a Sikh temple in Kitimat, and we have this Sikh investigator, who told us his name was Bill. Apparently he only gives that name to white people and has another Punjabi name that his Sikh friends know him by. He invited us to come to a lunch thing one day at the temple here, and we went and wandered around, but we couldn't find him because nobody knew who we were talking about. This one Sikh gentleman, turban and robes and all, told us that "he would be baptized, but he likes to party". It was a weird experience. There are a lot of great people in Kitimat though. It's awesome to serve here.
We had our first missionary coordination meeting with the branch ward council, which still just consists of us, President Kaberry, and that's pretty much it. They've pulled themselves right together though. They even had Relief Society! Nobody was asked to teach Priesthood, but hey. By next week, I'm sure.
One older couple, who were in one of the first doors we knocked on when we got to Kitimat, Roy and Anne, came to church this Sunday. The members were really excited about it. In Vancouver, people can fall between the cracks, but here people take the time to say hello and introduce themselves. The church building that we're currently using is pretty small, and it was branch conference this week, and so there were a few extra people from the district at church. It got a little cozy there in Sacrament meeting. We might have to tell investigators to bring blankets or pillows so they have something to sit on. Our goal is now to make the branch have to get a new church building because the congregation got too big.
Well, the church is true. We're having a lot of miraculous experiences. We just get up every morning, and go and go and go.  We got a little shout out in President Tilleman's email for finding new investigators. We hope that we'll just keep on seeing miracles. Serving in Kitimat is a humbling place to be. I think it's the most difficult area that I've served in. It's nearly impossible to get members to appointments because of how busy they are. But! We'll keep on going and hopefully find some people to share the restored gospel of Jesus Christ with.
Hopefully you all have a great week! Talk to you soon!
Elder Blotter
PS- On mother's day, it's up to us when we call. But, we'd want to call when it was less effective for finding and things. So... I'll probably call at 3:00 PM here. I think that would be around 4:00 in your time. Hopefully that works?

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