Hello there my firstborn!
    I hope you get a little sunshine this week. I am still on a little high from being able to talk to you last Sunday. I will never take for granted being able to pick up the phone and call one of my kids. Although I may want to call some more than others....  :) How was your week?  How was church? Anymore lessons being taught in a parking lot? Can't wait to hear all about it.

    I'm sure by now you've heard from Alison about Ethan's call. It's pretty crazy to think about huge Ethan going to Korea. WHAT will he eat? I hope he will survive. He keeps asking me what you thought about his call. I keep telling him you won't know until Monday. So if you have time, e-mail him back about it. His friend Cory Fowers opened his call just before Ethan and is going to North Carolina. And Eric Holt's farewell is next Sunday. Jenessa's Seminary Graduation was tonight. Crazy. But I sure do like our new Stake President. (Durrant) In fact, we may be going to see him tomorrow with our 2 new kitties. He is a vet. Supe was moving the pipe and Jacey went out to say hi. While there, she heard meowing in the rocks and found 5 tiny kittens. She immediately picked up 2 of them and brought them in the house. (Jed and I were at the library) When she took them back the mother cat had moved the others and would not come back and get these two. So Jenessa goes to buy baby kitten formula and a bottle and was up every 3 hours last night to feed them. My turn tonight. They are only about 4 weeks old but SO cute. We are all in love with them. They are in the Buckeye room until they get a little bigger. Pics coming.

     I went to the Post Office this week to mail your package and guess who was there? Jill Mann sending Micail some things. She is such a neat lady. She told me she misses hearing about you and asked if we could occasionally forward your e-mails. Amelia had been in NYC since Monday and this was Friday and she still hadn't heard a word. Hopefully tomorrow. :)  And yes, I will pay your tithing for you on Fast Sunday. No problem. Jacey had a talent show at school and sang a duet with another little girl. I was shocked that she could sing so well. Many people mentioned it and then a mom in the class is a voice teacher and she went on and on about her voice. This was weird because it's not really like our family. But she told me not to let anyone touch her voice until she was 12. And then to call her.   Ha Ha.  And the day before Jacey ran the North Park Mile and took 2nd place out of the entire 3rd grade girls. Fun week for Jacey lou. And do your remember Lou Madsen from our ward? They are an older couple in our ward? He passed away this week. I REALLY liked him. So that was sad.
      Well, I need to go to bed soon, so I'll be able to wake up at 2 am for feeding time. We love you to pieces and are looking forward to hearing about your week. Love, Mom