Good Morning Elder Blotter!
       How are you this fine morning? It is 9 below zero in Hyde Park right now and I feel sorry for our mule. Brrrr. And the deer keeping eating all her hay and oats. How was your week? I've been thinking about what you said last week about how it felt more like you were part of a family in Burns Lake. I am glad you began your mission there, it was such a great place with good people. But I think being in a big city with all that goes on will make the time fly by. I hope you are keeping your spirits up with Elder Smith.  :)  We had our local missionaries over last night for dinner and they were a little older. One was 24 and one 23. That is weird to think they could serve with an 18 year old. And these two elders served before together in Soda Springs earlier in their mission. Interesting, huh?
    Did Dad tell you that Eric Holt received his call? He received it on January 19, one day after you and he enters the MTC on June 12, one day before you. And he was called to the Madrid, Spain Mission. Josh Bennion is going to Edmonton, Canada and Jaron Idso is going to England. I am just walking out the door to Zumba so I'll finish the e-mail in an hour.  :) 

PS   Did you get the chance to look for a GPS?  I am sending a package today. Anything you need in it?