Friday, July 6, 2012

From Mom to Elder Blotter...

President and Sister Tilleman with Elder Blotter on his first day in Canada, July 4, 2012

Today is July 6th and we just got an e-mail from the mission office with a picture of you with President and Sister Tilleman!!!!  Oh, I needed that so much. I just needed to hear that you made it OK and to see you big smile standing there with you president just made my day. Now I just can't wait to hear from you and see how it was going through customs and who your companion is and if he will be a good trainer and what city you are serving in! Dad and I were outside one night looking up at the moon and thought it quite a strange thing that we have no idea where in this world you were that night. We know Canada but not where in Canada.  :)    HOW ARE YOU?  Are you just the cutest little missionary ever? Have you talked with a regular person yet about the church? Did the MTC prepare you to be a missionary? Don't worry.  You've been preparing yourself since you were little whether you realize it or not.
    We are all doing good. The summer is flying by and Jed will be in first grade before I know it. Dad saw a family picture at Grandma Jorgy's on the 4th of July. He saw Jed standing on the end of the picture and wondered what was up with that picture. He then realized it was YOU, not Jed. At that age you two look exactly alike. We'll have to show you, it's hilarious. Dad thinks he knows just what Jed will look like.  When I have those moments when I miss you too much I call for Jed. It's like having a mini Josh. He gives me big hugs and then I'm OK.  He is really at a great and fun age. He still remembers you in his prayers just like the pre-mission prayers.  He felt bad Jacey held the phone too close and hung up on you at the airport. He missed his turn.
    Well Josh, you are such a wonderful example to your family. We love you SO SO much I can't believe it. Thank you for being such a good person. Thank you for serving your Heavenly Father and helping our brothers and sisters who don't have the gospel. It's amazing what you can do and how it will change their lives.  I am forwarding your e-mails to Jared so he can share them with G and G Jorgy. I'm hoping it will touch Jared and he will feel of your spirit of missionary work. It may remind him of the testimony he once had. I put his name in the temple every time I go and pray that he will find his way back. I love him so much.
    Well, we can't wait for Monday to hear what's going on up there! Until,  Mom.

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