Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Hello my firstborn,
   I think your last e-mail will be a famous one. We have laughed about it and talked about it all week. Mostly about Roger being "born a Catholic, raised a Catholic and he will die a Catholic" and him being 59 and you hoping his mom doesn't hold out much longer. Oh my. When Dad was reading it that night in the computer room he was laughing out loud. Then we read it at Grandparents day and they laughed out loud. Then I had forwarded it to Josie. She e-mailed me that they had a long drive with Jenna's family. She read it to them and she said your e-mail had them laughing and tearing up both.
    How are you??? I'm holding off sending a package of your ties until we know for sure you'll be staying in Burn's Lake. Dad is certain you will, but just in case I'm going to wait. I was very happy to hear you had a good rating when the inspection lady came. You just feel better and are more able to feel the Spirit when you tidy up.  :)   I'm curious how the weather is now?  Is there any nip to the air? Are you going to need just a good ol' sweat shirt or jacket for your p-day? I don't think we sent anything like that.
    Elder Schenk reported his mission yesterday. He did wonderful. He had 12 very close friends that left at nearly the same time. They all just returned from their missions. They sang...what is it called? "We are as the Army of Helaman, we have been taught in our youth". It was pretty amazing . And Britten sang with them. He hasn't been able to sing yet. His vision is mostly gone and he can't read the words and process them to sing, but he sang every word of that song. I am helping his mom by taking him to Speech Therapy. He is improving so much, but has a long way to go. For some reason when I take him and spend time with him it makes me think of you and I love it. He is a very special young man. He should have died but was saved for a purpose, whatever that may be? His mom and Dad spoke also. It was an amazing Sacrament Meeting. Then we had Grandparents Day. Then Dad and I had to go with Jenessa to be set apart for the Stake Youth Council. It was a good Sunday.
     Jed wanted me to for sure tell you that he dressed up for Halloween on Saturday with the Cowley boys and Jacey and went to 8-10 houses to "practice for Halloween". I thought they were only going to the Cowley's, but found out at church they went to many houses! Jacey and Jed are getting excited to start school. Only a week and a half to go.
Elder Joseph Day
Quintana 447
1846 Adrogue
Buenos Aires, Argentina
        Joe's mom asked for your address to send to Joe. I thought you might want his also. This will be his address for his entire mission. I guess Micail will have her farewell this Sunday. Grandma said she was shopping at Lee's in Smithfield and these two cute girls came running up to meet her. It was Amelia and Micail. Amelia introduced Grandma to Micail. I worry about Amelia with her sister being gone. She will miss her!! And what will Amelia's mom do with Micail gone and Amelia not living at home. That will be weird with one son at home!
      Well, my Josh. We love you to pieces and think about you literally every day. For Family Home we went swimming at the Durstelers. I was standing on the diving board trying to decide what to do. Jed thought I was scared and he said, "It's OK Mom, just do it for Josh!!"  So I did it for you.  Have an awesome week in Burns Lake, BC, CANADA. 
At the Blotter Family Reunion, Bear Lake.  7/12

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