Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Good Morning!

Hi there,
   Jenessa was thrilled with the letter you sent her this week. She stayed up late writing you back. She loved the Canadian money! If I send you, say, a $20, can you take our money and spend it at a restaurant or do you have to go to a bank and exchange it for Canadian money?  And is that a pain?
    How was your week? We thought about you a lot this week. Yesterday the missionaries knocked on our door and I almost gave them each a big hug! We now how missionaries who are serving only in Hyde Park so we will probably get to see more of them. One of them graduated in 2011 and has been out almost 3 months! He even has your color of hair.....I nearly teared right up. They are coming to teach our lesson in YW on Sunday. They said they were also playing a Preach My Gospel Jeopardy with another wards young women for mutual this week. I think they are trying to get to know the youth so if they have friends at school who might be interested they will feel more comfortable asking missionaries they know I little bit.
    Speaking of missionaries, Dad and I went to hear Micail speak on Sunday. WOW.  What an amazing girl. It was fun to see Roger Mann on one side of their bishop and Kevin Fred Blotter on the other. The youth speaker didn't show up so Roger spoke first and it was so good. When Micail spoke you could just tell that she is very prepared to serve and those people will be so blessed to even be in her presence, I think. The Spirit was so strong and she had many friends there. I was extremely impressed by Micail Mann. Amelia and her mom invited us to go to the Civic Center after for dinner but Dad didn't think we should intrude. I think all of Amelia's family, (Grandparents, Aunts, uncles, cousins) were there and I would have loved to meet them. But they looked pretty nice to me.
     We had the unique and awesome experience of going to the Brigham City Temple Open house yesterday. It was the most beautiful temple EVER. Holy Cow. It was gorgeous. We will definitely have to go over to a session when your home. Jacey and Jed loved being able to go inside a temple and were very reverent. They especially loved the baptismal font with all "those buffaloes" holding them up. Jed asked if Buffaloes also held up the pioneers when they were being baptised?" That Jacey and Jed are priceless. I am thoroughly loving them at this age. I know they will grow up soon and not be so innocent and just funny.  :) They start school in two days and are getting pretty excited about that. Jed has Miss Smith, who is suppose to be this awesome teacher everyone wants. Jacey has Mrs. Beck. Not sure much about her, but Devon Holt had her and liked her. Soccer is going pretty good for Ness. Doyle doesn't really like Jenessa for some reason so she hasn't started the first two games. He let Sharron Wood chose who started this last game so Jenessa got to start and she loved that. Still....I will be happy when SV Soccer is in the rear view mirror.
     And happily I survived the planning of and actual 25th reunion of the Sky View High School Class of 1987. It was a great success and it is a relief to have it over. We had a lot of very nice people my year. I was surprised good it was to see people. It felt like seeing family after 25 years! I'll send a pic of the one they took of Dad and I. I think you may have that oportunity of planning a reunion one day and it wasn't too bad. It was worth it in the end. But it was a lot funner doing the 25ht rather than the 5th. People don't change a lot after the 5th, but after 25 years people have mellowed and it's really fun to see what everyone has done with their lives.
    Well, I hope you get the package I sent last Wednesday soon. I'm sure it's getting downright CHILLY in Burn's Lake. Is it getting dark a lot earlier also? Hannah, Justin and Austin are all moving to Logan this week to begin Utah State. We love you so much and wish you a very good week.  Love, Mom
SVHS Class of 1987

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